Newbie level 2
I am doing my project related to voice and music separation.....So, for this they had used Gaussain Mixture Model..........Can you suggest some papers related to this topic......I want these papers also.......Sir,
1) Wei-Ho Tsai, Dwight Rogers and Hsin-Min Wang.Blind Clustering of popular music recordings based on singer voice charactersitics. Computer Music Journal2004
2) A.P.Dempster, N.M.Laird and D.B.Rubin. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via EM Algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,1977.
I am doing my project related to voice and music separation.....So, for this they had used Gaussain Mixture Model..........Can you suggest some papers related to this topic......I want these papers also.......Sir,
1) Wei-Ho Tsai, Dwight Rogers and Hsin-Min Wang.Blind Clustering of popular music recordings based on singer voice charactersitics. Computer Music Journal2004
2) A.P.Dempster, N.M.Laird and D.B.Rubin. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via EM Algorithm. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society,1977.