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i wanna learn TCL can any one help (and may be PERL too)

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Member level 2
May 7, 2011
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i wanna learn TCl in few days
anyone help with the best tutorial + examples :)

So just in few days? Are you genius ?

just start learning it
i downloaded program 5 meg from but i couldn't run it :D !!

are you going to run it on Windows or under Linux???? But why you dont choose to learn Python language ? You know Python is more modern language than Pearl .....
mm i wanna use tcl for something i wanna do
i ll run on windows

See some perl examples:
**broken link removed**

Net-List Conversion

regression script

Updating System Time from the WEB.

Interactive HTML forms using a mixture of HTML and PERL CGI scripts

Simple WEB entry counter using PERL cgi

count the number of zero perl script

A PERL script to generate coverage report perl script

perl from the command line

perl script to filter input from STDIN

A perl script, which searches in many files according to file date and pattern between all input keys.

are you going to run it on Windows or under Linux???? But why you dont choose to learn Python language ? You know Python is more modern language than Pearl .....

The decision strongly depends on what you want to use it for. Perl has plenty of useful CPAN modules for which there is no Python equivalent (yet). But I do agree with the point that python is more modern. Now I don't give a crap about modern vs older language, but what does gives python a strong plus is that it is more hip & modern & all the new kids are using it. So there's more current development in python.

However if I have to slice & dice some text based data, perl is still the tool of choice. Just don't use perl for large projects. But then again, don't use python for large projects either. :p

Also, perl + python are somewhat easier to learn in a unix (linux) environment than in windoze country. The same goes for tcl. So if you can choose your OS, pick linux for this.

Just wanted to point out that in the context of PLD/FPGA designs I would suggest learning Tcl first as most, if not all, EDA tools use Tcl as their scripting environment.
Tcl/Tk quick start
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