Some comments:
- If you are recording voice then 8KHz sampling is sufficient. This gives you frequencies up to 4KHz. A number of communication systems use this sampling frequency as it provides intelligible speech, lower bandwidth requirements and is much easier on the processor.
- If you are using an internal ADC, then many in the PIC devices only go to 10 or 12 bits. As the bottom few bits are generally noise, you can use 8-bit sampling.
- The main difference between the PIC24 and dsPIC33 families is that the dsPIC devices contain additional capabilities around signal processing, in particular the multiply-and-accumulate instructions and some fancy addressing hardware that makes things such as FFT calculations more straight forward. Unless you need to use FFT, FIR or IIR filters etc, then there is not much to choose between them.
You don't say which compiler you are using (at least I couldn't see it). However, there a re a few differences in moving from the PIC18 to the PIC24 families of devices; mainly in the register names, the config bits and how some peripherals are implemented (e.g. the PIC18 MSSP becomes 2 devices in the PIC24 world: SPI and I2C). The basic concepts are the same (i.e. analog vs digital pins, the config bits, getting the oscillator to work correctly...).
- I have not used the PIC32 families of devices but form what I can see, it is less of a step from PIC24/dsPIC33 to PIC32 than from PIC18 to PIC24. Much of the additional 'complexity' of the PIC32 architecture is hidden by the compiler (i.e. the use of separate registers to perform bit manipulations on the registers in PIC32 vs the use of the main accumulator in the PIC24) but, again, the basic concepts all flow through.