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i neeed answer about Jdm programmer

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Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Apr 23, 2011
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do,s JDM enough to programm pic 18f4550 or we need some thing else??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Assuming you are going to program more than that one 4550 in your lifetime ? - then save yourself hours of hassle and money ordering parts and building ciruits and trying various software to make it all work, plus all the headache pills to calm you down when it doesn't work, unless you are one of very lucky few who succeed in getting them to work.

Just buy a ready made, guaranteed , Microchip Pickit2 programmer / debbugger / logic analyzer - you will not regret it - promise !
( if you intend to use all the latest chips then the Pk3 is the way to go, but the Pk2 still the best bet )

well...i`m was building JDM type programmer to program my 2550 and 4550, but never success. it frustating me.
and then i built Tait style programmer (parralel port) and it works beautifully with my 877A, 2550 and 4550.

but as wp100 said, better to own pickit 2/3. save yourself from a really frustating day. :))

i can understode that but in my home there is no way to buy one like kit2 or 3....and in these time i just want to build jdm for pic 18f4550 and it is important now and just for these pic.....i,m try to build kit2 but i,m could not...i have mny problelm to have a complet undrstode for the i hope to provide me with any schmetic that not complected like jdm or the tait style programmer and tell me what softwear and hardwaer i need.....and thanx


If you have a parallel port on your PC then this programmer will work.


  • Pic Parallel Programmer.pdf
    322.2 KB · Views: 189

I have build this JDM type of programmer and I have programed a PIC16F887A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F876A, PIC18F2550 without any problem
JDM PIC Programmer
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did you programmer 18f2550, and what 4about 18f4550???
but i see it just for 18 pin and pic like 16f877a is 40 pin so how do,s it work?

---------- Post added at 19:34 ---------- Previous post was at 19:32 ----------

what softwear i have to use i,m know just mplab?


If you can program a 2550 then you should be able to program a 4550 , they are programming wise idential, apart from the larger memory of the 4550.
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i use it as a ICSP programmer :)
you need only Vdd, Vss, MCLR, RB6 and RB7 to program a pic
see the pinout of your pic and connect this pins to the pic pins :)
I use WinPic PIC programmer software

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