I need to learn VHDL.

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Jan 19, 2012
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Hello guys,
I need your suggestions. Please guide me in learning VHDL. Please tell me which VHDL tool I should download which is should be available in free.As I am beginner I need something easy and user friendly.
Please recommend me any book.

Thank you so much and I hope your more advises in future

I recommend the free Modelsim simulator from Altera.
Make sure to learn from a textbook that uses the numeric_std library and not std_logic_arith etc.
I studied VHDL from a book by Charles Roth. An evaluation version of any synthesis or simulation should do I suppose..
Does this book use the std_numeric packages or the deprecated Synopsys packages? The preivew on Amazon doesn't show anything but the digital logic review section in Chapter 1. The reviews aren't all that stellar for that book.

I would get the Pedroni book (which I have) if you want to learn VHDL. I learned VHDL using an ancient tome (one of the earliest books on VHDL) called VHDL by Perry published in '94. I bought the Pedroni book after wanting to update my VHDL to 2008+.
Does this book use the std_numeric packages or the deprecated Synopsys packages? The preivew on Amazon doesn't show anything but the digital logic review section in Chapter 1. The reviews aren't all that stellar for that book.

It does not use synopsys packages. It is a pretty decent book, I would say...

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