I need to an mfcc matlab code plz help

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Newbie level 3
Oct 5, 2013
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Iam doing a project on speaker recognition. i need to an mfcc matlab code plz help ... I have read many articles and made an overall idea about mfcc. But still not confident enough to create one as my own.. So I need help .. Please help me somebody.........

Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) am i right this is what code is rquired for?? Can you explain little more what exactly your problem is?? If you know this technique what is the real issue MATLAB??? and also let me know what exctly you want to do??
I find it fairly simple to tmplement any mathemtical thing in MATLAB


Iam doing a project named Automatic Speaker Recognition. I have already recorded the sound samples. I selected 15 words and recorded sound of 10 different speakers and each word 10 times. Next I need to extract the features and I opted MFCC for that. I got the details from different sites. I also prepared a code in MATLAB. But Iam not very sure how to select the number of frames, overlap size etc... So I need a more accurate code just to modify mine... MATLAB is also new to me. I studied matlab from net..

Iwould be really thankful if you provide me with one simple code for MFCC.

Sure i will try if i get little time currently i mworking on aLABVIEW Application which uses matlab as a running engine foe all the calculation I always find MATLAB very comfortable tool for engineers to implement and manuplate the data.

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