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I need the following librarys for cadence ic 5141

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Dec 26, 2005
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run perl script in dfii

Could any one provide the following librarys for cadence ic 5141? thanks in advance. (I need the first two most)


kits is copied in the root or user in cadence?

could anyone provide the above librarys? thanks


I downloaded the NCSU CDK and all the patches and decompressed them to the sams folder as instructed on their website, but i have problem to installed them. I found the installation instruction file, and cite it at the end of this post. When I installed ic 5141, i configured it in bashic, but to install NCSU CDK, they required .cshrc setup , i do not know what to do, hope someone could help and provide detail instruction, thanks.

NCSU CDK Installation_Instructions:

( or refer to

This file describes the actions needed to install the N.C. State University Cadence Design Kit (NCSU CDK).

$CDS_DIR == The top level of the Cadence installation tree.

These instructions assume you already have the Cadence tool set installed and operational. At NCSU we run Cadence on Sun workstations with Solaris. Our kit has not been tested on other platforms, but there should not be any platform dependent operations in the kit.

Download and unpack the kit
Go to the NCSU CDK download page and get a copy. Then, cd $CDS_DIR and uncompress and untar the file.

Note: we have set the kit up to be installed as a sub-directory called "local" at the top level of the Cadence hierarchy.

You should now have a local sub-directory with the unpacked kit.

Installing the kit

* Make sure your user .cshrc setup includes the all of the following items.

* The kit uses the analog netlister in concert with the CDF data on the components to create all netlists.

* Also, we have found it helpful to start the file locking daemon, cdsd, as root. Thus, we have a compiled program called "bar" which is suid to root and called during the user setup. This is particularly useful in our AFS network where we keep the file locks on a central server. Having the lock daemon running as root prevents it from prematurely being stopped by a user process leaving useless file locks on the server. You can also start cdsd as root during machine boot up.

#---- Cadence user setup ----------------------------------------------

set base_dir = "$CDS_DIR"

setenv CDS $base_dir
setenv CDS_INST_DIR $base_dir

setenv CDS_LIC_FILE $CDS/share/license/license.dat
setenv CDSDIR $CDS/tools/dfII
setenv TERM $term
setenv TELENV $CDS/tools/pcb/text/env
setenv CDS_VHDL $CDS/tools/leapfrog
unsetenv cell

# the lib path setup looks at $CDS_SITE/cdssetup to find the "setup.loc" file
setenv CDS_SITE $CDS_INST_DIR/local

# use analog mode for netlisting everything
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode Analog

# Path additions
alias prepend 'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) setenv \!:1 "\!:2":${\!:1}'
alias extend 'if (-d \!:2) if ("$\!:1" \!~ *"\!:2"*) setenv \!:1 ${\!:1}:\!:2'

prepend PATH $CDS/tools/bin
prepend PATH $CDS/tools/dfII/bin
prepend PATH $CDS/tools/pcb/bin
prepend PATH $CDS/tools/awb/bin
prepend PATH $CDS_VHDL/bin
prepend PATH $CDS/tools/gsEnsemble/bin

extend MANPATH $CDS/share/man

#---- Start cdsd ------------------------------------------------------
# Need to leave cdsd running to clear file locks if cadence crashes.
# Add additional platforms as necessary.
if (( `uname -sr` =~ "SunOS 5.4") || ( `uname -sr` =~ "SunOS 5.5.1")) then
$CDS/tools/dfII/bin/bar > /dev/null
$CDS/tools/dfII/bin/cdsd > /dev/null

unset base_dir

#---- End of Cadence Setup --------------------------------------

* Compile the cdsd startup program bar in $CDS_DIR/local/bin and move the executable to $CDS_DIR/tools/dfII/bin and setuid. This binary starts the cdsd file-locking daemon as root on the local machine during user setup. Make sure the user startup scripts reference the platform correctly.

* Run the Perl script $CDS_DIR/local/bin/ to automatically change all the $CDS_DIR paths in the kit to those appropriate for your site, and link in the kit to your installation. Or you can perform the actions manually. These are detailed below. (If Perl is not installed in /usr/local/bin, change the first line of the script to reflect the correct path.)

Note: At NCSU we use a symbolic link at the top level of the Cadence tree. Thus if the Cadence tools are installed at /path/$CDS_DIR, then the command ls -l /path/$CDS_DIR would show:


cadence -> $CDS_DIR

This way it is easy to upgrade to a newer version of Cadence. You install the upgrade with a new cds_dir name, and when it is tested just point the cadence link at the new tree. The users always go through /path/cadence to access the tools.

It also solves the problem where some tools, like Verilog, store information containing the absolute path. In the case of Verilog this is the executable path/name. If the path changes, as it may if you install a new release, users with old simulation runs will get errors until they manually change the Verilog executable path. Always going through the link keeps the path consistent and avoids these errors. Use /path/cadence in the script if you have one available.

* Update the newusermesg in $CDS_DIR/local/cdssetup. This message is (optionally) displayed at Cadence startup by the script $CDS_DIR/local/bin/xmesg. (If wish is not installed in /usr/local/bin, change the first line of the script to reflect the correct path.)
* Edit the plotter setup file, $CDS_DIR/local/cdssetup/cdsplotinit to reflect your installation.
* Check the library paths in $CDS_DIR/local/cdssetup/cds.lib and all the entries included there to make sure the libraries are accessible, especially the ones included in the Cadence distribution.
* Change the permissions throughout the local directory so users have the appropriate access. This will depend on your site installation. For example, we use AFS and set access using the AFS file server mechanism. actions
These are the actions performed by the $CDS_DIR/local/bin/ script. They are listed here for reference; we recommend that you run the script instead of doing them by hand.

Links are needed in the hierarchy of all installed platform types (sun4v, hp, etc).

* Add a link from "$CDS_DIR/tools/dfII/local" -> "../../local" ($CDS_DIR/local).

* Link the .cdsplotinit file from $CDS_DIR/tools/plot/.cdsplotinit -> ../../local/cdssetup/cdsplotinit.

* Link in the help files. $CDS_DIR/doc/openbook/config/hrfs/ncsuHelp.HRF -> ../../../../local/doc/ncsuHelp.HRF

* In $CDS_DIR/tools/dfII/bin, copy "hspice" to a backup version and make a link to ../local/bin/hspice

* Change the search locations in the local/cdssetup/cdsenv file. Look for:

cdsSpice.envOpts modelPath string "~/cadence/models $CDS_DIR/local/models"
hspiceS.envOpts modelPath string "~/cadence/models/hspice $CDS_DIR/local/models/hspice"
spectreS.envOpts modelPath string "~/cadence/models/spectre $CDS_DIR/local/models/spectre"
graphic drfPath string "$CDS_DIR/local/cdssetup/display.drf"

* Change the Diva rules files links in the technology library to point to the correct location

* Update the Verilog binary path in local/cdssetup/simrc:

verilogSimBinary = "$CDS_DIR/tools/bin/verilog"

* Set the HSPICE paths in local/bin/hspice (if you use HSPICE):

set hspice = (hspice_dir)
set hsppgm = (hspice_exe) [(hspice_dir)/bin/hspice]
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE (hspice_license) [(hspice_dir)/license.dat]

NOTE: The NCSU setup uses HSPICE with the Flex license manager. We have not tested the installation with the (old) permit.hsp license system.

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cadence 5141 download

anybody could share installation experience of NCSU CDK? Thanks.

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