I need help to start working with ARM compiler

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Member level 3
Jun 6, 2009
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I want to learn how to write code for ARM.And I'm an old user of PIC-C.So If the compiler you suggest is based on C language,It will be very useful for me.I have searched on the net and I have found some programs like uVision.But I'm not sure about this compiler selection.Could you purpose any compiler program for ARM (based on C language)?

try the gcc-arm compiler it is free download it and u can use it along with linux or cygwin in case of windows environment

Ok I have found this program.But I have one more question.Does this compiler have a supporting forum?Would you recommend a different compiler which has supporting forum?
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The two most popular ARM commercial compiler are Keil and IAR. You can get support from their retrospective forums and from the supplier. It is easy to use the compiler as they usually provide a lot of examples. The only downside is the cost of the compiler but if you are only using less than 32K bytes that should be fine. I prefer Keil as I have been using it for over two years. If you want to use a debugger, you can buy a cheap debugger from China and does the same thing as the Ulink II. You can perform real-time debugging using Ulink like adding breakpoints or the Cortex ITM. For the larger ARM device and embedded linux, you should use gcc-arm. Other cheap compiler would be Crossworks. I having used it that much so can't really say much about it.

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