microblaze dual port memory
Hi there,
i have some problem while integrating a special dual port RAM core (generated in xillinx ISE) into a Xillinx EDK project.
The ports of my DP-RAM are designed differently inorder to increase the rate of data exchange. The DP-RAM size is 1Kbytes. The access on the port A is byte-wise, so the resulting address length is 10 bits wide. On the port B the access is 4-byte-wise, so that the resulting address length is 8bits wide.
Inorder to connect this dual port RAM to a microblaze, I used an ip_bram_controller which is a ready-made IP core in EDK.The ip_bram_controller serves as the interface between the microblaze and dual port RAM.
This ip_bram_controller has an address length of 32bit on both sides.
The signals of port A of my dual prot RAM are defined as external signals and assigned to pins on an external board(FPGA board). The signals of port B are then assigned to the signals of the corresponding port on the ip_bram_controller.
This implies that the 8bit address bus of my dual port is assigned to the 32bit address bus of the ip_bram_controller.All this is done manually in EDK.
Here is the problem:
Inorder to generate a netlist for the components and consequent bitstream for the design there is this persistent error which says the address buses of 8bit and 32bit are not compartible.
My question is, how can i connect my DP-RAM directly to the opb bus, without using a ip_bram_controller?
I have this error when i use the bram controller: G:\Fohtung\DAP_Evaluation_Package\LLC\refBasic\ML403\microblaze\system.mhs
line 318 - 32 bit-width connector does not match 8 bit-width port
How can I get these two to match?
I'll be grateful for an answer. Thanks in advance!