I will be ordering a 100mm x 100mm panel in china.
I need to merge separate gerber boards into single one inside the 100mm x 100mm panel.
I need free tool to do this.
Can you suggest me anything?Thanks inadvance!!
If you download that and read the text files - you need to run this via a Python interpreter.
To run the program, invoke the Python interpreter on the
gerbmerge.py file. On Windows, if you installed GerbMerge in
C:/Python24, for example, open a command window (DOS box)
and type:
and I have no file gerbmerge exe, so I'm stuck at installation.
The "C:/Python24/gerbmerge.bat" AFTER installation... I don't have gerbmerge.bat in Python24 dir.
Please take a look at modified quote of what I have done so far
Python version 2.4 or later - INSTALLED
eGenix mxBase tools version 2.0.4 or later- INSTALLED
SimpleParse version 2.0.0 or later- INSTALLED
All of the above packages come with easy installation programs for both Windows and Linux.
First, install all of the packages listed above in the Requirements section. - DONE
Run the gerbmerge1.6.exe installation program. <- I CANT FIND THIS FILE! I will assume you choose all of the default installation options. The installer will create and populate the following directories: