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[SOLVED] I need an example of a finfet code in hspice

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Sep 21, 2015
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i need example of finfet code in hspice

hi i want to write a code of finfet in hspice but i wanna find a correct model of finfet same as BSIM-CMG i write this code and i wanna replace model of this code instead of 45nm & 20nm finfet code

** PTM-MG 20nm HSPICE Model Card for HP NFET 
** Nominal VDD=0.9V

* This is sub 45nm FinFET prdictive model 
.options post=2 brief

* bsimsoi3.2 model card
.model  nmos nmos  level = 57 
+mobmod  = 0    capmod  = 2    shmod   = 1 
+soimod  = 2    igcmod  = 0    igbmod  = 0
+dtoxcv  = 0    llc     = 0    lwc     = 0    lwlc    = 0
+wlc = 0        wwc     = 0    wwlc    = 0    tsi     = 'ptsi/2'
+tox = ptox     toxref  = 1.4e-9 tbox    = 5e-7 tnom  = 27
+rbody = 1	rbsh = 0	rsh = 0       rhalo = 1e+015
+wint = 0	lint = 8.5e-9	wth0 = 0	ll = 0
+wl = 0		lln  = 1	wln = 1		lw = 0
+ww = 0		lwn  = 1	wwn = 1		lwl = 0 
+wwl = 0	ln = 2e-006	xpart = 1	xj = 1e-008
+k1b = 0	k2b = 0		dk2b = 0	vbsa = 0.10         
+aigc = 1  bigc = 1  cigc = 1  aigsd = 1 
+bigsd = 1    cigsd = 1  nigc = 1   poxedge = 1  pigcd = 1 

+vth0 = npvthf0	k1 = 0.00001	k1w1 = 0 
+k1w2 = 0	k2 = 0.001		k3 = 0	k3b = 0             
+kb1 = 1	w0 = 2.5e-6          nlx = 0                          
+nch = pnch 	nsub = 1e+015   ngate = 2e+020     

+dvt0  = 0.002     dvt1   = 0.55   	dvt2 = -0.032             
+dvt0w = 0	dvt1w  = 0        dvt2w = 0	eta0    = 0.006
+etab  = 0      dsub    = 1          voff    = -0.15          nfactor = 2           

+cdsc    = 0.0005           cdscb   = 0           cdscd   = 0.001          cit     = 0.00             
+u0 = 1090	ua = 6e-010		ub = 1.3e-018        uc      = 0             

+prwg = 0               prwb = 0               wr      = 1               rdsw    = 300        
+a0 = 1		ags = 0       a1      = 0               a2      = 0.99       
+b0      = 0               b1      = 0               vsat    = 1000000           keta    = 0             
+ketas   = 0               dwg     = 0               dwb     = 0               dwbc    = 0             

+pclm    = 0.12               pdiblc1 = 0.6            pdiblc2 = 0.06       pdiblcb = -0.005             
+drout   = 0.5             pvag    = 0               delta   = 0.02        alpha0  = 8e-009        

+beta0   = 0               beta1   = 0               beta2   = 0.05            fbjtii  = 0             
+vdsatii0= 0.8             tii     = -0.2            lii     = 5e-008          esatii  = 1e+008        
+sii0    = 0.5             sii1    = 0               sii2    = 0               siid    = 0             
+agidl   = 2e-009          bgidl   = 2e+009          ngidl   = 0.5             ebg     = 1.2           
+vgb1    = 300             vgb2    = 17           
+voxh    = 5               deltavox= 0.005         
+ntox    = 1               ntun    = 3.6             ndiode  = 1               nrecf0  = 1.8           
+nrecr0  = 1               isbjt   = 3e-007          isdif   = 3e-008          isrec   = 0.0005        
+istun   = 1e-008          vrec0   = 0.05            vtun0   = 5               nbjt    = 1             
+lbjt0   = 2e-007          vabjt   = 10              aely    = 0               ahli    = 1e-015        
+vevb    = 0.075           vecb    = 0.026         
+cjswg  = 5e-010       	mjswg = 0.5	pbswg = 0.8	tt = 5e-010        
+ldif0   = 0.001           cgeo    = 0               cgso    = 2.1e-010        cgdo    = 2.1e-010      
+dlc     = 0               dwc     = 0               dlcb    = 0               dlbg    = 0             
+fbody   = 1               clc     = 1e-007          cle     = 0.6             cf      = 1.24e-10             
+csdmin  = 2.5e-005        asd     = 0.5             csdesw  = 0               vsdfb   = -0.8          
+vsdth   = -0.3            delvt   = 0               acde    = 0               moin    = 15            
+ckappa  = 0.6             cgdl    = 0               cgsl    = 0               ndif    = -1            
+rth0    = 0               cth0    = 1e-005    
+tpbswg = 0  
+tcjswg = 0

+kt1 = -0.2	               kt1l = 0                  kt2 = -0.042     ute = -1.5        
+ua1 = 1e-009              ub1 = -3.5e-019           uc1 = 0          prt = 0         
+at = 53000	               ntrecf  = 0	           ntrecr = 0       xbjt    = 1    
+xdif    = 1               xrec    = 1               xtun    = 0

*+fnoimod = 1 tnoimod = 1   tnoia = 1  tnoib = 2.5   rnoia = 0.577 rnoib = 0.37
*+ntnoi = 1.0	em = 41000000  af = 1	ef = 1      kf = 0
*+noif = 1.0	
+rgateMod = 2 rshg = 0.1 xrcrg1 = 12 xrcrG2 = 1

.param pnch = 2e16
.param len = 45e-9
.param ptox = 1.5e-9
.param ptsi = 8.4e-9
.param ptbox = 1.5e-9
.param npvthf0 = 0.31
.param npvthb0 = 0.31
.param esi = 11.7
.param eox = 3.9
.param nlambda1 ='(-1)*(ptox/(ptbox+ptsi/(esi/eox)))'
.param nlambda2 ='(-1)*(ptbox/(ptox+ptsi/(esi/eox)))'

.param delta1 = 0.008
.param delta2 = 0.008

.param Voff2=-0.09
.param N = 0.2
.param Vt = 0.0259
.param Voff1 = 0.0

* bsimsoi3.2 model card
.model  pmos pmos  level = 57 
+mobmod  = 0    capmod  = 2    shmod   = 1 
+soimod  = 2    igcmod  = 0	igbmod  = 0
+dtoxcv  = 0	llc     = 0   lwc     = 0    lwlc    = 0
+wlc = 0	wwc = 0               wwlc    = 0  tsi = 'ptsi/2' 
+tox = ptox   toxref = 1.4e-009     tbox = 5e-007   tnom  = 27
+rbody = 1	rbsh = 0	rsh = 0    rhalo = 1e+015
+wint = 0	lint = 0.85e-8	wth0 = 0	ll = 0
+wl = 0		lln  = 1	wln = 1		lw = 0
+ww = 0		lwn  = 1	wwn = 1		lwl = 0 
+wwl = 0	ln = 2e-006	xpart = 1	xj = 1e-008
+k1b = 0	k2b = 0		dk2b = 0	vbsa = 0.10         
+aigc = 1  bigc = 1  cigc = 1  aigsd = 1 
+bigsd = 1    cigsd = 1  nigc = 1   poxedge = 1  pigcd = 1 

+vth0 = ppvthf0	k1 = 0.00001	k1w1 = 0 
+k1w2 = 0	k2 = -0.001		k3 = 0		k3b = 0             
+kb1 = 1	w0 = 2.5e-6          nlx = 0           
+nch = pnch	nsub = 1e+015        ngate = 2e+020 

+dvt0 = 0.0001  dvt1 = 0.53	dvt2 = -0.032             
+dvt0w = 0	dvt1w  = 0 dvt2w = 0	eta0    = 0.006           
+etab    = 0               dsub    = 0.5            voff    = -0.15          nfactor = 2           

+cdsc    = 0.0005          cdscb   = 0           cdscd   = 0.001               cit     = 0             
+u0 = 390	ua =0.8e-9       	ub = 2.5e-018        uc      = -3e-11             

+prwg = 0               prwb = 0               wr      = 1               rdsw    = 500           

+a0 = 1.2		ags = 1e-20       a1      = 0               a2      = 1       
+b0      = -1e-20               b1      = 0               vsat    = 190000           keta    = -0.047             

+ketas   = 0               dwg     = 0               dwb     = 0               dwbc    = 0   

+pclm    = 0.55            pdiblc1 = 0.5            pdiblc2 = 0.0075          pdiblcb = 3.4e-8          
+drout   = 0.56             pvag    = 1e-20               delta   = 0.014           alpha0  = 0.074        

+beta0   = 30               beta1   = 0               beta2   = 0.05            fbjtii  = 0             
+vdsatii0= 0.8             tii     = -0.2         lii     = 5e-008          esatii  = 1e+008        
+sii0    = 0.5             sii1    = 0               sii2    = 0               siid    = 0             
+agidl   = 0.002          bgidl   = 2.1e+009          ngidl   = 0.5             ebg     = 1.2           
+vgb1    = 300             vgb2    = 17           
+voxh    = 5               deltavox= 0.005         
+ntox    = 1               ntun    = 3.6             ndiode  = 1               nrecf0  = 1.8           
+nrecr0  = 1               isbjt   = 3e-007          isdif   = 3e-008          isrec   = 0.0005        
+istun   = 1e-008          vrec0   = 0.05            vtun0   = 5               nbjt    = 1             
+lbjt0   = 2e-007          vabjt   = 10              aely    = 0               ahli    = 1e-015        
+vevb    = 0.075           vecb    = 0.026         
+cjswg  = 5e-010	mjswg = 0.5	pbswg = 0.8	tt = 5e-010        
+ldif0   = 0.001           cgeo    = 0               cgso    = 2.1e-010        cgdo    = 2.1e-010      
+dlc     = 0               dwc     = 0               dlcb    = 0               dlbg    = 0             
+fbody   = 1               clc     = 1e-007          cle     = 0.6             cf      = 1.24e-10             
+csdmin  = 2.5e-005        asd     = 0.5             csdesw  = 0               vsdfb   = -0.8          
+vsdth   = -0.3            delvt   = 0               acde    = 0               moin    = 15            
+ckappa  = 0.6             cgdl    = 0               cgsl    = 0               ndif    = -1            
+rth0    = 0               cth0    = 1e-005    
+tpbswg = 0  
+tcjswg = 0

+kt1 = -0.34	         kt1l = 0                  kt2 = -0.052     ute = -1.5        
+ua1 = -1e-009             ub1 = 2e-018              uc1 = 0          prt = 0         
+at = 33000	               ntrecf  = 0	           ntrecr = 0       xbjt    = 1    
+xdif    = 1               xrec    = 1               xtun    = 0

*+fnoimod = 1 tnoimod = 1   tnoia = 1  tnoib = 2.5   rnoia = 0.577 rnoib = 0.37
*+ntnoi = 1.0	em = 41000000  af = 1	ef = 1      kf = 0
*+noif = 1.0	
+rgateMod = 2 rshg = 0.1 xrcrg1 = 12 xrcrG2 = 1

.param pnch =2e16
.param len = 45e-9
.param ptox = 1.5e-9
.param ptsi = 8.4e-9
.param ptbox = 1.5e-9
.param ppvthf0 = -0.25
.param ppvthb0 = -0.25
.param esi = 11.7
.param eox = 3.9
.param plambda1 ='(-1)*(ptox/(ptbox+ptsi/(esi/eox)))'
.param plambda2 ='(-1)*(ptbox/(ptox+ptsi/(esi/eox)))'

.param pdelta1 = 0.008
.param pdelta2 = 0.008

.param Voff2 = 0.12
.param N = 0.2
.param Vt = 0.0259
.param Voff1 = 0.0


.SUBCKT inv in dd out
m1 out 0 in in  0  nmos w=25u  l=45n
m2 out dd in in dd pmos w=50u  l=45n
.ends inv

x13 1 dd    2   inv

v1 1  0  pulse  1v  0    2ns    1ps 1ps  4ns     17.5ns
vdd dd 0 dc 1v


.tran 1ns 70ns

.probe v(1) v(2)
*.temp		25		35		50

.print   v(2)	
.graph v(2)

thanx alot
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Re: i need example of finfet code in hspice

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Will it work for independent gate inputs? (means g1 for RF input and g2 for LO input)

If anyone did the FinFET I-V characteristics, pls suggest me. I want to plot a graph Id- Vg1 for different Vg2 in cadence.

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