i have problem with this circuit

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Newbie level 3
Jan 22, 2012
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hi guys

i want to know what does the function of below circuit do ?

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simple. you need to press s1(allow supply to t4) then s2 (for t5) then s3 (for s4) s4 for t7 t8 that will energies relay.
s5 release relay . s6 if u make mistake it will reset the supply to t3.
its some kind of electronic lock .
too many parts it can be done with 1 or 2 cmos.
i appreciate your answer ,,,

but i am new in electronic can you give me more detail about this circuit , and how it work exactly

Sorry, my post was 1 second slower than yours

What is your problem with above circuit.....

To open the lock, buttons S1, S2, S3, and S4 must be pressed in this order.
They must be pressed for more than 0.7 seconds and less than 1.3 seconds.
Reset button S5 and disable button S6 are also included with the other buttons
and if the disable button is pressed, the circuit will not accept any code for 60 seconds.
Each of the 3v3 zeners can be replaced with two red LEDs and this will show
how you are progressing through the code.
Make sure the LEDs are not visible to other users.
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i think the detail in this website is not correct

Ok Kls detail.
+12v passes thru t2 to collector=coll.. of t3. s1 charge c2 and pass current to base t3 resulting volt at t4.
now s2 and coll t4 have 12v s2 will do the same as s1 resulting 12v at s3 and coll.. t5 .s3 wiil do same as s2 so now we have 12 at s4 that will pass 12v to coll.. t6 and base t7 and thru emmiter t8 make t8 conduct and energise rly.
coll..t5 will make t6 conduct pass voltage from emmiter to coll.. t6 giving charge/hold volt to c5, remember s1-2-3-4 should be pressed in sequence quick c2-3-4-5 are charged for a short time and are holding t3-4-5 conducting long enough for u to press s4.
s5 will disable the holding action of t6. s6 will disable the timing and sequencing protocol.
remember all push buttons are disguised and u can call them any label u want. so the burgler my press s5 or s6 by mistake thinking they operate the rly.
good luck
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