we have not amplified the microphone( electert microphone) should we do that.And one more doubt can't we read o/p of adc in p89v51rd2fn.Actually we want to design a voice controlled fan regulator.SO,we require the speech data.Depending up on what we speak like(on fan means it should turn on the fan)we what to control the fan speed or on\off the fan.So,we using this adc0804 and this is the problem we face is like what happens is if u speak any word like EXAMPLE:hello depending on the intensity we speak it is giving output like this 11000000,as the intensity increases 11110000........and 11111100so on..... ,is the adc efficient to convert voice signals to digital signals......so,can u help with an example so that i can analyze it better.Thank u for reading my post and i think u will help me still better to solve this problem.
Added after 48 minutes:
How can we read o/p of adc through p89v51rd2fn.
Added after 5 minutes:
should we must sample the o\p signal of eletret microphone and then to be given to adc 0804 or what????