I find it difficult to find LM4196 in EAGLE.

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prasad agam

Newbie level 3
Aug 1, 2015
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I cannot find LM4196 in the eagle software. Can anybody please help???

Are you sure about the type name? Not a commonly known part, apparently.

If it's a very special part you should learn how to make your own library components. Otherwise there might be popular replacement.

I have seen many other circuits where MC1496 is used instead of LM1496. But I couldnt even find

O.K., MC1496 balanced modulator, originally Motorola/Onsemi made. A rather old component, still popular in the amateur radio scene I guess.

Then pickup another more popular component, or you have to learn how to design new parts in EAGLE. Frankly, I would better find a replacement rather than learning EAGLE component editors HA-Ha (It's joke for those who know the incredible EAGLE's DOS-style interface). I stick to DipTrace now, which has super easy component editing.

You can download the footprint and schematic for the part at www.snapeda.com. If they do not have it then you can also request it to be made for you at the website as well.


I would better find a replacement rather than learning EAGLE component editors HA-Ha(It's joke for those who know the incredible EAGLE's DOS-style interface).

I am using EAGLE for more than 20 years now. Most of the components are designed or at least edited individually to fit our company inside design rules for components. We use a checklist to not forget something. I don't find it very hard..


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