Hello paupau101,
I hope you did not tired yet from my posts. I found one more formula for coil self-capacitance calculation. This is a kind of scientific, not empirical, formula. It will not consider fringe effects, but for many practical cases this equation may be good.
This is the formula:
where: r is radius of copper part of the wire,
Er is dielectric constant for the wire isolation,
2*a is the distance between wire centers,
p is perimeter of the turn,
n is the number of turns.
When you do not know which formula is the best there is one proven way to get good result. Calculate your sought parameters with all of available tools. Then write all results in the order. Check all the numbers. If some of them differ too much they probably are not right. Try to exclude them. Then count all that are in reasonable deviation and take two calculations: arithmetic means and geometric means. Then compare these two values and chose one that is closer to what you expect. This method averages possible errors and usually provides the best results.
Best regards,