I cannot access Linux after installing Windows XP

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 12, 2005
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San Jose, California, USA
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Linux and Windows XP

Hi all
I was installing Windows XP pro, then created a separate partation and install Susi 10 Linux on that partation. The problem occured when I re-installed Windows XP from a bootable CD, now, I can't see Linux startup logo that i was seeing before, in other words, I can't now access Linux... How can i fix this boot problem?

I hope anyone helps fast..
Thanks in advance,

Linux and Windows XP

hi Ahmed,
you have lost your boot loader from the MBR

Boot the system with the original installation medium used for the initial installation untill YaST installation program starts. After a few more seconds, the screen should display the graphical installer.
After selecting the language and License Agreement, Select Repair installed system in the Installation mode selection screen.

Select Expert Tools.

Choose the following option to repair your problem:

Install New Boot Loader

This starts the YaST boot loader configuration module. Use this module to install your boot loader again

hope it helps
Re: Linux and Windows XP

Thanks for contribution,
But if you can clarify some termenologies to me: What are MBR and YaST? I am new to Linux ...Also, should I boot from the first CD of Linux CDs since Suse 10 is on four separate CDs, Is first CD contain boot files?

Thanks for help..

Re: Linux and Windows XP

You can restore your boot menu by booting your first install CD and opening a terminal and using the chroot command. You can also use Knoppix or any other bootable Linux CD. Using the chroot command you can give any command as if you are giving it from a terminal on your Suse install. See these link:


You can find many more articles on the subject using Google. Search for
chroot lilo fix


chroot grub fix

Re: Linux and Windows XP

If you have a rescure floppy disk to boot the Linux, you could use the flooppy disk to boot the Linux, then dd if=/dev/hdx = /home/ bs 512 count =1 to copy the first 512 byte to boot the Linux. Then copy the file to a floppy disk; Reboot the PC in the WinXp and modify boot.ini file. Win-XP could boot Linux and WinXP. Google dual boot winXP Linux, you will find more detail information.

Linux and Windows XP

you can install boot loader or make a boot floppy disk from linux CD.

Re: Linux and Windows XP

u can use knoppix to fix mbr.

grub-install /dev/hda
thats all

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