I'm using 0.18um coms process ,and with the annotate dc operating point ,I can get the operating point of commom mosfet and resisters .But when I change the commom mosfet with the RFmosfet ,there is no dc operating point around the RFmosfet .I have check the CDF->opPointLabelSet ,and there are id,vdsat ,vgs,vds . So I'm confused where the problem lies . Thanks a lot .
Most likely the RF MOSFET "model" is really not a compact
model, but a subcircuit with Ls, Cs, Rs and a FET - whose
naming is then "broken" by being an additional layer of
hierarchy lower than the schematic mapping comprehends,
and probably also a fixed name rather than a passed netlist
name that the "map" keeps track of.
Some PDKs map it by extra effort, some don't, when they
don't the outcome is as you describe.
You may find it easiest to add presistors to the drains
of what you care about, to "sniff" the current without any
impact to LVS (netlist as resistor for Spectre, netlist as
short for LVS).