I am tring to find Allegro symbols files and i cant find

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Newbie level 5
Feb 27, 2011
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i am using allegro and i am tring to find in the internet much more .dra files for allegro as i can, and i hardly find those... if any one can help me by giving any directory of allegro foorprints even basics like 0805 0603 0402 and foorprints like LQFP SOT SSOT it will be very good for me!
thank you very much! sorry for my english!

by the way- i am adding my BOM so look at it and if you have any footprint and you can give it to me it will be grate- thanks!


  • BOM Allegro.txt
    7.8 KB · Views: 84

If you did a default install, try: C:\Cadence\SPB_16.3\share\pcb\pcb_lib\symbols (which would explain why Google couldn't find it... )

Or, to be safe, just draw all your own. Then again, maybe you should only do that if you are a control freak like me and want to personally draw every single pad.

yes actually i am really need a very perfect symbols, i know this directory and the symbols there are not enough, anyway i prefer to download symbols and to check them

Why would you prefer downloading symbols from a random site on the internet than trust symbols that have been vetted by Cadence? It would take less time to draw what you need than you can spend searching the internet for something that may or may not be drawn correctly. It looks like the most complicated thing in your bom is a 144 pin chip -- it would take at most 15 or 20 minutes to draw that.

i dont prefer it, i just cant find all of the symbols that are in cadance directory, they dont have everything you know...
actually you are ridg i will do it myself...
you maybe know any giuder for drawing symbols?
i know how to do it but not perfectly including paste and all layers off symbols because it must be perfect for sending the board file to manufacturing...

Try this blog:

**broken link removed**

... and then look at parts 2 - 10. It is pretty complete. Cadence specific examples can be found either by googling or in a book called Complete PCB Design Using OrCAD Capture and PCB Editor, by Kraig Mitzner.

Check with your board house for their standard drill chart. You don't want to drill a precise hole because a data sheet recommends it and then need to pay extra for the non-standard bit. One bit of advice: when doing through hole padstacks, look at the pin SHAPE when determining what drill size to use. If the pin is square (or rectangular), the max dimension is the diagonal, not the side of the pin.

Standard drills:

Std Drill Chart
thank you very much!

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