See,Mr. pasicr and ebclr in my area I can not find sensors,useful information I now have are as follow:
1.Frequency for the oscillator is there when I load the grain in my equipment,the square wave I get have 1,4 as voltage and is constant (does not change)
2.With my meter(ohmmeter) I tried to measure the sensor I saw that its resistance increases when I load the grain;the initial value of resistance is 9Kohm after loading the grain I have the resistor attain 10,280Kohm;is this a resistive -relative humidity sensor?Is there any method which can be used in order to determine the relative humidity referring to the frequency because when I load the grain the frequency reduces from 1,5Mhz to 1,2MHZ.or this freuency can be related to the weight of the grain?
Hope from this you can help