humidity measurement and Alarm system project.

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Rujul Desai

Junior Member level 2
Jan 22, 2015
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Hi ,

I want to make Relative humidity and temperature measurement with alarm system project.
so please give me guide to how to choose right sensors and microcontroller for it.

I need low power components because project is low voltage based(1.5 to 3.5VDC), not need high power.

I find some sensors like RHT03, DHT11, & HTU21D. etc..

so please give idea that which microcontroller is used for it?

and also give guidelines that which parameters used when selects right components?


Rujul Desai

If you are trying to measure outdoor humidity and temp, then any sensor which matches the temp range and RH range should be ok. Select a microcontroller for which you get good reference online and proto development boards. Below parameters will be the ones where you need to pay close attention -
RH range of sensor, temp range of sensor, operating voltage range, output type - analog or digital, sensor packaging type and mounting type, quiscent current, supporting exteral components for the sensors (signal conditioning etc), cost, availability.
In my view Honeywell humidity and temperature sensors will be good. There are good temp sensors from TI as well.

so please give idea that which microcontroller is used for it?
and also give guidelines that which parameters used when selects right components?
Rujul Desai

Hi Rujul, you have any specific budget or intend to fabrication multiple units in future. Why am I asking becuase you can do this job with several ways. If you are doing for learning point of view then it is fine you may use any controller/ circuit. If you have any constrains then let us know.


Thanks for reply.
Right now there is no specific budget provide for it.
but , i am in learning stage so please suggest me which microcontroller is used for humidity measurement. can you please give some suggestion and which parameters are used for select it?


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Thanks for feedback.

I am trying to measure outdoor and indoor humidity and temperature. would you please suggest which microcontroller is suitable for it?

i have low power supply like 1.5 - 3.0 VDC and I2C interface and digital output .


You can use any microcontroller from TI's MSP430 series, Microchip's PIC16/ PIC18 series or from Atmel's micros like ATtiny1634, ATtiny167, ATmega168P or ATxmega8E5.

Hi friends,

if i used silicon Si7006-A20 sensor, NHD-C0216CiZ-FSW-FBW-3V3 character LCD with I2C interface and CAT24M01-D-91485 EEPROM , so which microcontroller is suitable for me?

please suggest microcontroller for fulfill uper requirements.


Use MSP430G2553 controller. It works with 3V3 and consumes low power. And coding with Energia was really easy

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