Huffman codes in vhdl

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Newbie level 5
Sep 28, 2010
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I need to generate a Huffman codes for symbols (bytes) based on Huffman tree.
but I cant find a way that I can implement by fpga.

Can any one help me with an algorithm that can generate a Huffman codes.


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no not at all

I found 2 ways to generate Huffman code

1- generate the tree like its mentioned in :
Huffman Coding « anupom.toString( );
but this as I imagine consume a lot of CLK cycles and a lot of RAMs because we cant insert data in the ram .

2- to start with setting code length and then set the base of each code length and after that generate the codes .
but I cant find how must I set the code length for any given data .

There are two different things:
a) to construct the tree for a given alphabet
b) to code the data
The first can be done only "once for ever" for any means if the alphabet does not change.
Do you need to implement both in FPGA or only b)?


thank you zorro

I need to implement booth a and b.

but I don't know how to create the tree for the alphabet of the data.
the tree for each data must be constructed depending on the frequencies of the alphabets in each data .
as I think.

can you advice me.

For a) you need to know the a priori probabilities of the symbols. Is they are not known, they must be estimated from the data. The algorithm is explained in many texts on digital communications, for instance:

Sklar: Digital Communications - Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Edition (Prentice-Hall, 2001)
Proakis and Salehi: Digital Communications, 5th Edition (McGraw-Hill, 2008)
Haykin: Communication Systems, 4th Edition (Wiley, 2001)

For b) you can use simply a look-up table.


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I need to generate a Huffman codes for symbols (bytes) based on Huffman tree.
but I cant find a way that I can implement by fpga.

Can any one help me with an algorithm that can generate a Huffman codes.


Hi ,
i have the same problem,i want to implement the huffman algorithm.
i succed to calculate the porobability but i can't implement the tree of huffman in order to find the code huffman.
Please help me
best regards

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