hello.i have emergency situation.please help me.
how can matlab reads output files generated by Hspice transient, DC,
and AC sweeps?
i have studied the hspice toolbox for matlab but it has error.i can't understand below cammand.instead of ’hspice_output_filename’ which output shoud we replace?'myfile.lis' or 'myfile.sw' or 'myfile.ac'
x = loadsig(’hspice_output_filename’)
it has error like this
??? Undefined function or method 'loadsig' for input arguments of type 'char'.
>> x= mex loadsig('myfile.tr0')
??? x= mex loadsig('myfile.tr0')
Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.
>> mex loadsig.c
C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010A\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: 'loadsig.c' not found.
??? Error using ==> mex at 222
Unable to complete successfully.
is this command (x = loadsig(’hspice_output_filename’)) for binary output?
somewhere i read that itis command is for unix?please say me what is the Difference between window or unix matlab installation?and is there any Difference between unix command and windows command?
i want to use ".lin" command in hspice rf .i need the output that report s parameter and noise parameter. which command should i use to read the hspice rf output(s parameter ,...) by matlab???