i install hspice H-2013 version,i try to simulate the character of simple NMOS in tsmc65LP tech. in the Pdk, i can't find the .lib file which i can find in smic130/180nm. the only thing i can find is .l file(it seems most like a lib)
my netlist as follow:
.title simple_nmosrf_gm_id
.param vgs=1 l1=0.06u w1=5u
X1 d g 0 0 nmos_rf l=l1 w=w1
vin g 0 dc='vgs'
vout d 0 dc=1.2
.dc vgs 0 1 10m
.option post
.probe gm_id=par('gmo(mn1)/i1(mn1)')
.lib 'C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\hspice_simu\tsmc65lp\hspice\crn65lp_v1d5.l' TT
after simulation, .lis file report is :
****** HSPICE -- H-2013.03-SP2 64-BIT (Aug 26 2013) win64 ******
Init: read install configuration file: K:\synopsys\Hspice_H-2013.03-SP2\meta.cfg
**error** (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\hspice_simu\tsmc65lp\hspice\crn65lp_v1d5.l:56184) Undefined parameter or function definition "par1fn_mc" for fn_dice_svtn. Please enter a defined name.
***** job aborted
1****** HSPICE -- H-2013.03-SP2 64-BIT (Aug 26 2013) win64 ******
i check the "par1fn_mc" for fn_dice_svtn in .l file ,but it's a model file ,i don't think i should change any parameter.
the attachment is the .l file
is there any one know how to solve this problem?
thank in advance!