[HSPICE] from schematic to netlist

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May 23, 2004
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schematic to netlist

Hello all,

I have used HSPICE for a few weeks (mostly cmos analog design), but edit netlist by notepad is not convenient (when number of mosfets more
than 20).

I wish you recommend a easy schematic editor by which the schematic can be transformed to HSPICE netlist. And I wish the node of the circuit can be edit in this schematic editor. BTW, my OS is Windows.



balun pspice netlist

You might search "spicevision" on google. It is not really a schematic editor. However, I found it is extremely helpful to have a quick view of certain analog subcircuit netlist on my window notebook.

AFAIK, the choice of decent Hspice-friendly schmatic editors is really limited - s-edit, cohesion AMS designer ...

For serious design entry, it is still better off with linux version Cadence IC or Mentor's tools.

(PS. ADS has good schematics entry for windows. However, the netlist translation process caused a lot of trouble for me)

gvim netlist

For windows OS, Workview Office has such tools -- viewdraw.
For Linux OS, IC50 (or 5033) is a good choice.

cadence to tanner shematic translator

Many tools can transform schematics to netlists,but the netlists may need little modifications to be compatible with hspice .You can try PSPICE.

schematic to netlist

according to HSPICE help, Innoveda's Viewdraw and Mentor's IC station supports HSPICE (I'v not tested any of them!)

u can also other sch editors and netlisters like orcad (needs some netlist edit) or protel (less edit requirement!)


generate schematic netlist

Cohesion ECS is another one of popular schematic entry tool which support many customize enviroment and if you would like to do more advance features there is sdk for programing with the tool's API.
You can open the x-window in your windows to browse the shematic from unix/linux . Run your hspice in windows too.

hspice generate .sp file

Hello all, thank you all for your advices, I have searched the tools in google, and my friend advise me to use cadance tools, but it seems too difficult. I'd like to use a editor user friendly like HSPICE UI (hspui), without so much menu items and dialog box. Is it mission impossible?



workview office viewdraw + download

use s-edit(tanner)
sedit can generate the netlist that you need

pspice netlist download

i think you can write a simple perl program to correct the error in the netlists which IC50 generate.

netlist 2 schematic

ECS or composer

spicevision ultraedit

Now I choose Tanner for Sch editor, it can export to .sp file.

Davy Zhu

s-edit netlist

Workview Office's viewdraw is good choice

hspice rf netlist

I had used viewlogic before. It is a good EDA tools for pc. The netlist created from viewlogic can be directly used in the HSPICE. I think you can try it.

micromagic sue for windows

to be fully compatible with hspice, most of the spice version of schematic editor will do, but i recommend PSPICE. you can find freeware schematic also, but make sure they are spice compatible, and the netlist is editable.

hspice netlist mentor graphics

You can use DxDesigner from Mentor Graphics PADS or WG PCB design products.
It is a new version of Viewdraw and can export schematics to Hspice, Pspice and Eldo netlists.

schematic entry ecs netlist

cohesion designer

schematic netlist syntax

I also recommand you to use gvim to edit (for free) your netlist.
It includes a syntax color system :
- comment in blue
- .print, .param, ... in green
- ... in color

You can see important stuff much quicker!

PS: Maybe other editor have a SPICE syntax file viewer.
But I don't think that Ultraedit ($$$) has one.

netlist hspice from composer

recommend workview

schematic user environment

i recommend PSPICE tool in windows system.

ORCAD is very good, it can created *.sp, and do hspice simulation.

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