How would I measure Power Factor?

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Newbie level 6
Jun 16, 2009
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how to measure power factor

I'm working on a Digital Wattmeter project, where the wattmeter is plugged to the mains, and an appliance is plugged to the wattmeter.

My question is, is there a way to measure Power Factor accurately?

I have heard of a Power Factor IC, which conveniently measures the power factor when connected. However, I could not seem to come across it.

measuring power factor

You're possibly referring to power metering IC, e.g. Analog Devices ADE 7753.

where to measure power factor

FvM said:
You're possibly referring to power metering IC, e.g. Analog Devices ADE 7753.
ADE7753: Single Phase Multifunction Energy Metering IC with di/dt Input (Serial-Port Interface)

What does a "di/dt" input mean?

measure power factor

A di/dt sensor detects changes in magnetic field caused by ac
current. The use can be to sense the "Current" by using a analog/digital integrator .

how do you measure power factor?

What does a "di/dt" input mean?
The best way to figure it out is to continue ADE7753 datasheet lecture after the two title lines. It has a detailed
explanation of this current sensor type's operation principle. Furthermore di/dt current sensor is a configurable option.
The chip can work with other sensor types as well.

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