Using a crystal oscillator and some other components I made a weak AM transmitter. I'm interested in trying to increase the power in the signal so that I can transmit further. Before anyone asks, I'm nowhere near the legal power limit in my country for this frequency so am not breaking any laws.
I was just wondering if anyone could suggest what I do next, 1. as I said I'm looking to improve the power but it doesn't need to be a particularly long range (although I'm assuming power dictates the range it can transmit at?). I'm also keen to get it to work with a crude crystal radio circuit (just a diode, antenna and a crystal earphone)
2. is there anything I can do to my transmitter circuit to make it easier for a signal to be induced in the antenna - (it doesn't matter if it only works from across the room, so long as the signal is strong enough to induce RF in the antenna)?