Abu Maria.
Member level 5

in ads momentum , i simulate patch antenna that resonate at 2.45GHz , with (length=21.9 mm , width=36.26mm,height=8mm);
i use (h=8mm) just to see the effect of increasing the height of the substrate , effectiveley i get 2.45GHz!
note that ads work with an infinite ground plane , i get (directivity=7.31dB, Gain=3.74dB) , these results are logical for me ,because in the case of a considerable height of the substrate , there are losses wave propagating in the substrate , which causes a decrease in the gain!
and when i add a finite ground plane , normally it was expected a smaller gain than in the first case (with infinite ground plane) , because in this cas (finite ground) we see the occurrence of the back-lobes that are a losses , so normally we get a gain <3.74dB (first cas with infinite ground)
but i get a gain 4. 2 dB !!!
how we can explain this ? NB: i use ground plan with dimension : Lg(ground)=L(patch)+4*h(height)
thank you!
in ads momentum , i simulate patch antenna that resonate at 2.45GHz , with (length=21.9 mm , width=36.26mm,height=8mm);
i use (h=8mm) just to see the effect of increasing the height of the substrate , effectiveley i get 2.45GHz!
note that ads work with an infinite ground plane , i get (directivity=7.31dB, Gain=3.74dB) , these results are logical for me ,because in the case of a considerable height of the substrate , there are losses wave propagating in the substrate , which causes a decrease in the gain!
and when i add a finite ground plane , normally it was expected a smaller gain than in the first case (with infinite ground plane) , because in this cas (finite ground) we see the occurrence of the back-lobes that are a losses , so normally we get a gain <3.74dB (first cas with infinite ground)
but i get a gain 4. 2 dB !!!
how we can explain this ? NB: i use ground plan with dimension : Lg(ground)=L(patch)+4*h(height)
thank you!