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How to write Technical Papers (IEEE-Format)/White Papers

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Member level 4
Jul 31, 2009
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Hello everyone,
I suffer from a problem. I might have good ideas, but i cant write an effective Technical Paper.

Can everybody share their knwledge or experience (like, if they were selected, what was the main unch in their paper; or if unfortunately they were not selected, what was wrong) so that even I can improve.

Also, Currently I am writing a new paper. The content is new, i mean to say, it is not a review or a comparison paper. I am on my own designing an system. (It also has some economic policies consideration)
In such case how should I write a paper (Even if it was w/o economics in it). I am v. bad in ordering and sequencing. Under which heads should the matter come.Like there should be some common heads where i can get startedIf anyone with templates, welcome

Plz help. I am a bit urgent.
Bottomline, how to write a good TP.

Well, I have dont that part... But Most of the times i got instructions so as to what should be the font size, italics, blah blah.. And to the max Couple of basic para's. like Abstract and intro. Plus they tell me how to write a bibliography.

Other times I downloaded papers itself, but then there I cnt tlk to the authors to guide me so as to why and what made them write it in such a way. What was their procedure? I am not interested in eating but in making the dish!

So, here I can have a conversation with ppl who r good in writin and can GUIDE me
Am I clear,dear

Hello everyone,
I suffer from a problem. I might have good ideas, but i cant write an effective Technical Paper.

Well, I will try to give you some hints.
As far as I understood your request, it concerns more the content rather than the outer form, right?
You should divide the paper in (at least) five parts:
* section 1: Abstract
Here you should try to formulate 4..6 sentences which give an overview over the (a) reason resp. background and (b) over the main results of your investigations/analyses. This section shall give an idea to the reader if he feels concerned or not.
Important: Don't give details (figures, formulas); just state that - for example - a new formula is given in section 3.

*section 2: Introduction:
This part must explain and describe in detail (a) again the background for your work (state of the art and why you think that our work makes sense) and (b) give an overview over the most important publications that deal with the same subject (with references). This part (b) is a very important one because it must show that you are informed about the present state - as far as the subject of your work is concerned. A third part (c) gives an overview over the following section 3 (just mention some sub-sections like "linear analysis", non-linear analysis", "time response", "main results", "visual verification", "summary")

*section 3: (Title similar to the main title of the paper)
Must include the sub-sections as mentioned in section 2.

*section 4: Conclusions
Similar to section 1 (may include some repetitions), but a bit more detailed. It is important to stress again the advantages and new results of your work. This section should not contain more than 10..20 sentences.
Important: Don't give details (no figures, formulas,...). Just state in words that you have found a new proof or something like that.

*section 5: References
A listing of all used referenced papers according to the order they are mentioned in your text.
Good luck
Last edited:
Thanks A TON
Its tough to express grattitude...

As far as I understood your request, it concerns more the content rather than the outer form, right?

Yeah, right....!

Can I ask you for a little more help... If you have time plz help...
Coz i found u can counsel good...
Thanks in advance....

You can download the format for IEEE papers from their website. I am attaching the IEEE format manuals.


    2.7 MB · Views: 206
an any one quickly tell me...
How to put a big block diagram in Paper. Considering the 2 column format.
And can it be vertical talking one long column

Plz help urgently, I am in middle of writing a paper.

an any one quickly tell me...
How to put a big block diagram in Paper. Considering the 2 column format.

refer page style section of the "Sample IEEE Paper for A4 Page Size"

And can it be vertical talking one long column
No, you should be able to fit your figures within a column in any of the two column, basically every page should have two column format in this case.

good luck!

Hello everyone,
I suffer from a problem. I might have good ideas, but i cant write an effective Technical Paper.

Can everybody share their knwledge or experience (like, if they were selected, what was the main unch in their paper; or if unfortunately they were not selected, what was wrong) so that even I can improve.

Also, Currently I am writing a new paper. The content is new, i mean to say, it is not a review or a comparison paper. I am on my own designing an system. (It also has some economic policies consideration)
In such case how should I write a paper (Even if it was w/o economics in it). I am v. bad in ordering and sequencing. Under which heads should the matter come.Like there should be some common heads where i can get startedIf anyone with templates, welcome

Plz help. I am a bit urgent.
Bottomline, how to write a good TP.

U get template from the website: IEEE - The world's largest professional association for the advancement of technology .that wil help u. Good luck
Best thing yo should do is get Latex and do not worry more about the layout. You can find the IEEE layout for late on their website

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