how to write basic if statement in ASM

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Newbie level 6
Jun 28, 2011
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ok so basically after reading a fair few things on the net regarding IF statements in asm i understand now that i have NFI lol

can somebody write a quick == for example look at portb , ok so we now have 00011 at portb , subtract 00010 if not left with 00000 then subtract 00001 if not left with etc etc , even a few lines just to pint me in the right direction would be all i need, thanks guys :




This might help...

DISPLAY = .16           ; Display .128 = 128X84 graphic  or  Display .16  = LCD 16X2 character

      	IF DISPLAY == .16

		call	lcd_init	


	  	IF DISPLAY == .128

		call	glcd_init

Display = .16

would i be able to use it like

variable = b'00011'

then change the variable later in the program. ?

No, I don't think so. IF is an instruction to the assembler at assemble time, and has no effect at run time.

The 'IF' statement is an assembler directive, not a program instruction.

Depending on whether the condition is true or not, it will assemble the block of code within the IF statement. You use it for example when you want to skip hardware checking while debugging software or is there are similar variants of a program and you want to selectively add or omit blocks of code.

Hope this helps.

Might be missing your point but think this is all your need, or the basis for expanding the point.

goto isnotset ; if zero go here
goto isset ; if one go here


movlw b'00000011'
andwf PORTB,W
ok so i need to test more than one bit at a time my guess is use btfss and if it finds a 1 in the 0 bit then go to anouther btfss to check if the second bit is there but it would make the program quite long

whats this andwf and how would i act on the response or is it like btfss with 2 following lines like true, false

ok so i need to test more than one bit at a time my guess is use btfss and if it finds a 1 in the 0 bit then go to anouther btfss to check if the second bit is there but it would make the program quite long


Welcome to Assembler ! - as you can see its generally a 'long' hand way of coding compared to the high level languages.
There are usually a few ways of coding that you can achieve the same function you are after, some folk can do some very clever stuff with assembler, but the btfss/sc is probably the simplest way to comare Bits.

Although not perhaps something you are currently considering, but the 18F range of chips use an enhanced assembler, not dramatically different but with a few more instructions to make things a lot easier, plus paging and banking are virtually elimated.

whats this andwf and how would i act on the response or is it like btfss with 2 following lines like true, false

The AND is just one of several logical arithmetic operations where the data you load is acted on by AND, OR, XOR etc and the result is held in the STATUS register by either the C or Z bits which you again use the BTFSS/SC to check the result.

So for example you wanted to check if bits 0 was high on port B
movlw b'00000001;
andwf PORTB,W
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if the result of the AND is Zero, the Z bit of the STATUS register is set to ONE
; you then check with btfsc/ss to see it the Z bit is 0 or 1

Assume you have got the list if Instructions from the 16F84A Datasheet.

Another possible option for you, though do not know all of what you are trying to achieve, is to use the Interrupts on PortB.
You have 2 choices, for RB0 to Interrupt on the leading or trailing edge of a signal, and RB4-7 to Interrupt when any input changes state.

Also have a look at the Assembler Tutorial sites like Gooligum - they show all the basic methods.
Try this program. It generates pic asm code for common c constructs such as if, for, while etc.
No install needed, just extract the files to a directory and run 'PicAsm12.exe'.


  • PicHelp.rar
    197.9 KB · Views: 147
movlw b'00000001;
andwf PORTB,W
btfsc STATUS,Z ; if the result of the AND is Zero, the Z bit of the STATUS register is set to ONE
; you then check with btfsc/ss to see it the Z bit is 0 or 1

this is exactally what i need , thanks so much

so basically what im doing is watching porta for a high on bits 0 and 1 (up and down) then once detected it then goes and finds out which gear its is already in to know the next one to change to weither it be up or down

first gear 00011
second gear 00001
Third gear 00000
Forth gear 00010

thanks everyone for there help will test the andwf when i get back to my compiling pc


Afraid I did not fully check the logic of using the AND with your needs.

You need to use the SUB instead ,sample code attached which I have checked runs on all four logic states.
The code is only enough for simulation, you will need to add the Config statement for your hardware.

Sorry about that.


  • gear.rar
    73.2 KB · Views: 134
ok maby i did not describe it well enough

Porta is used for watching the gear shifter which is up and down , 00001 for up 00010 for down

Portb is used for connecting to the transmission

first gear 00011
second gear 00001
Third gear 00000
Forth gear 00010

thease are the pins that need to be high to change the gears via relays to control the hydrolic solenoids

Watch portA
If input is detected use btfsc to then goto either UP or DOWN subroutine

in that subroutine it must check the portb to see which gear its in, so if portb = 00011 we now know we are in first gear( thats what i need this code for) then we goto ok we are in 00011 now goto 00001(which is second gear) so set portb to 00001

and so forth hope this makes it a tad clearer

Try this program. It generates pic asm code for common c constructs such as if, for, while etc.
No install needed, just extract the files to a directory and run 'PicAsm12.exe'.

nice...very nice
where i found for PIC16


Was just showing you how you could do your gear select sensing using the Sub instruction as against the And instruction I incorrectly said would do it.

Port A can be similarly interrogated by either reading the full port or by testing just the one bit as mentioned earlier.

Hopefully you can now see how you can construct the whole routine, though its often worth while doing a flowchart before you start coding to check your logic is good.

happy coding...
i have read your code and well thanks a heap, i this done in MPLAB???

cblock 0x0C ; specify user variables ( registers)

org 0x00
goto start

in this im guessing i could add for example "VARIABLE" and move things into it??? like W????
or am i missing the point?


Yes its done with MPASM section of MPLAB, have your downloaded and installed it ? - its a free download from Microchip.
Once installed you need to set up a 'project' for the code - if stuck I can do one for you and post it.

The Variables / User Resgisters are 1 byte blocks of data in RAM memory that you can assign a Name to rather than a complicated hex location.
Its used for storing any 8 bits of data you want, it is normally done by W receiving the data and then moving that data into the file.
movlw b'11110000' ; load data 0xF0 into W
movwf VARIABLE1 ; move data to VARIABLE1 and retain till power off or another move instruction.

Sounds like you really need to start with a basic Pic tutorial like this **broken link removed**
ok so i have it working

in the gear selections subroutine part, you will see how ive used BTFSC and BTFSS to see which gear its in by checking each bit

due to a comunications problem the gears are actually as follows
First 11
Second 01
third 00
Forth 10

im in the process now of incorporating an lcd into the design
Thanks everybody you have been an awsome help



Glad you have got it running ok - a few things I would do to make the code easier to use particularly when your code becomes more complex.

When changing memory Banks, simply use the ' Banksel ' instruction as previoulsy shown

You will need to use a Config statement at the beginning of your code, unless the defaults are what you need.
You need to look into this, you can find details in the 16F84A.TEMP Template file and 16F84A.INC Include file , both found in directories within MPASM.

The lcd routine is a difficult one to start coding for yourself, you will find good examples here -

PIC Tutorial* Three - LCD Modules
**broken link removed**
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Just had chance to look at your current code in a bit more detail - there are a few things you need to address.
They are all the typical beginners mistakes so you are not alone.
This is where a good tutorial will help.

They all relate to the Set Up phase of your code.

First the Delay routine, perhaps nothing wrong with it, it states a 1 second delay, but without knowing the oscillators frequency its impossible to check - always notate your delays as '1sec at 4meghz' so if you change the oscillator its easy to see you must change the delay routine to match it.

You have specified the variable Count1 by using the EQUates statement COUNT1 equ 08h.
Look at the datasheet section DATA MEMORY and the REGISTER FILE MAP.
You can see the RAM memory is split into two 'banks' and that the first 12 locations in both banks are what the pic system uses for its 'work' files.
You can now see that location 0x08 is used by the system so your COUNT1 could be overwritten at any time.
You can only use Bank 0 from location 0x0C for your USER variables.
As you can see entering EQU 0x0C etc for each variable is a long way of doing things.
If you put COUNT1 in the Cblock section the system automatically gives it the next free address.

Your routine uses several switch INPUTS and some OUTPUT to your tranny.
The Pics Ports have to be set up accordingly,
First the data direction, Input or Output has to be set by means of the TRIS instruction.
1 for Input and 0 for output.
When specifing the bits of anything its always better to show all 8 bits, not just the odd ones you think you are changing eg b'11110001'
At the moment you have all the portA and B pins set as ' 0 ' Outputs

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