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LCD 4 X20 character
hi could anybody help me on how to write a code for a generic 4 line and 20 character LCD? i am connected with pic16f84a using 4bit data bus, using picbasic pro compiler
sample code
pause 1
lcdout $fe,1," Hello world", $fe,c0," hello again" ,fe,94,"welcome" fe,d4,"thank you"
goto main
the compiler give me some error messages
hi could anybody help me on how to write a code for a generic 4 line and 20 character LCD? i am connected with pic16f84a using 4bit data bus, using picbasic pro compiler
sample code
pause 1
lcdout $fe,1," Hello world", $fe,c0," hello again" ,fe,94,"welcome" fe,d4,"thank you"
goto main
the compiler give me some error messages