how to work in Design Entry CIS

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Newbie level 5
Jul 18, 2013
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Hi... dude...

how i want to design a new library in allegro pcb and import a orcad design...
if any one work this platform pls help me... until i struggle with orcad ....

Hi aslam,
if you want to create library in orcad--->file --->new-->Library-->open the new library and then create as you want
to create the Footprint in allegro--->new->library

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Hi aslam,
if you want to create library in orcad--->file --->new-->Library-->open the new library and then create as you want
to create the Footprint in allegro--->new->library
Thank's dude...
but i tried that way already..i know very well for how to make it new part but doesn't know about how they are designing
footprint & package like 0603,0802 so on....i want to need that only because m newly enter in orcad,allegro design so only?
i hope u have best answer with my question...

Hi.. dude..first i want use orcad capture draw it schmettic those have default footprint after that using allegro pcb design,fetch the component which i had to done... my version using of 16.3, now my question was how to create new footprint
which are my project require and what is the pattern to create new one then how? give me some idea dude... hope now u get my question pls kind to left out of me ...

Thank dude... k now i using for PIC24FJ64GA002 port... let me clarify now .... await for your answer....

Hi aslam
Here i attached sample footprint for you (check page no 256 in your datasheet).
1) open your PAD designer (cadence-->PCB utilities-->pad designer-->select Layer mode-->select shape as rectangle in downside )after that select TOP,solder mask,paste mask for SMD Package,enter the width and height of the package as mention in rectangle box in image file.{if it is Through hole component You have select Following layer (TOP,default inner,bottom,solder mask top and Bottom)}. save the file in your location.
2)open PCB editor after that-->file-->new-->select the directory and then select file type as package symbol. so your footprint should be saved in .dra format for example SOIC-28pin.dra,
after that setup-->user preference-->library-->psm path and pad path (give your pad saved location ).
3)layout--> your pin name from pop-up the pin in command window (x 0 0){make sure your drawing unit as mm or mil}
4)copy that pin from edit-->copy in find option select pin after that use command window x 26.3779 after that ix 26.3779 like that create.
5)assemply top,silkscreen top,place bound top need to use.package height need to mention.
if you have more doubt send mail to me


  • PIC24FJ64GA004_16.2.rar
    6.8 KB · Views: 95
  • soic.JPG
    33.2 KB · Views: 108
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Hi... mate ... i couldn't get ur attachment properly... pls make sure that one time dude...

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