HOW TO USED 16F877a with out the burner?..

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Member level 1
Mar 14, 2010
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why when i removed the IC(16f877a) to their burner i don't know why the circuit is not work?...

i used 16f877a to make a digital clock...

but i want to put the ic in pcb but i don't how,,..

and the truth is i have no idea to used the pin without the burner...

please help me to constract a circuit...for this or what pins..should be in positive and GND to run the program in ic without the burner and also if there's any component needs..
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May be ur grammer is too poor or you need to learn a lot. Your question is too confusing. Anyways.......What do you refer to as a Burner ? PIC doesnt need a burner once it is programmed. The programmer is generally called as a burner. Refer the data sheet for PIN details. Obviously the PIC will require some external componenets to make it work.

i think you are using a pickit (or ICD) to 'program' the PIC, also you power the PIC from the pickit!!!

so when you take out the pickit, of course the circuit will not work...

if your circuit has it's own power supply. mostly it's because you leaved the MCLR pin disconnected... the pickit and any good programmer has the MCLR on high state trough a resistor...

so. if you have a power supply, just connect mclr to vcc with a 10k resistor...

if you don't have a power supply... well... first go and get one!

can you tell me man ... the schematics to programming a pic with PICKIT please ??

Don't forget the 877A can be programmed through it's USART if a suitable bootloader is already present! It's one of the few mid-range PICs that can do it.

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