i'm trying to use the s-domain in matlab(not simulink), but i'm using a square wave generator(time domain), so i have to make a fourier transform to it, then multiply it by the system transfer function to see the output spectrum, how it could be done?, & how to display the spectrum without using step or impulse functions?
Hi well i'm not sure if this will help but here goes
firstly to go to S-domain u need laplace not fourier transform . to do a laplace transform u need to have the function in time domain written in a symbolic way i'm gonna post here the steps and output from the command window:
>> syms t
>> f = sin(t);
>> laplace(f)
ans =
then take ur transfer function wirte it in the same way
multiply them together
and display the output usting ezplot(---) function; replace the dashes with ur output function name