HOW to use the 'psd' function in the spectre calculator?

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Newbie level 4
Nov 7, 2007
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spectre psd

I'm going to draw the psd of my tran output, but i've got some question about how to setup the 'psd' function.
Dose anyone to show me some refrence about this. Thank you so much.
With my regards!

spectre calculator psd

Thank you Aya2002, i mean the function 'PSD' in the Candence Calculator , how to set the function's blank .Dose the 'From' 'to' mean the time interval i have simulate?

spectre calculator manual

can any one tell me how to use psd function in cadece, im designing a sigma delta i would like to see the spectrm of it's output. Thanks in advance.

sigma delta psd spectre

you can use the 'PSD' function in calculator, set the time you simulated, and the number of samples is your simulated point during the tran time.
Then choose the window type, usually the hanning is good.
Go to the next page, set the window size ,other blank left default....
Because i don't quite konwn the exact meaning of those. Even so you can get the PSD of your output .

psd in spectre

Hello Aijue, I am also doing the PSD simulation. I just follow the CDSDOC manual to do the PSD simulation. Mostly similiar with what you said. However, the output waveform is weird. How is your case? the output is normal?

calculator psd

I have the same questions about PSD simulation in cadence. need your help. Thanks

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