how to use the "encrypt" in hspice?

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Jan 25, 2002
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hspice encryption

in the hspice license file, there is a feature named "encrypt", but how to use it? thanks

h-spice encrypt

I remember someone in this forum said it was used to encrypt the design, but how to use it?

hspice netlist encript

I think this probably be the library encryption feature. Library encryption allows you to distribute proprietary Hspice models, parameters and circuits to other people without revealing your company's sensitive information. Recipients of an encrypted library can run simulations that use your libraries, but Hspice does not print encrypted parameters,encrypted circuit netlists, or internal node voltages. Your library user sees the devices and circuits as "black boxes," which provide terminal functions only.

encryption with hspice

in the hspice manual there are some topic about it. you can encrypt not only the lib but your designs files, with your given seeds.

hspice use encryption code

The encryption process allows the user to
specify which portions of subcircuits are encrypted. The libraries are encrypted using a key value that Star-Hspice reconstructs
for decryption.
To control the beginning and end of the encryption process, insert .PROTECT and .UNPROTECT statements around text to be
encrypted in an Star-Hspice subcircuit. The encryption process produces an ASCII text file in which all text that follows
.PROTECT and precedes .UNPROTECT is encrypted.

de-encrypting hspice model

That function only hide your text between them in .lis file ....
I always use that to make my .list file more shorter , clear and readable!

hspice encryption .model

i don't agree with cswang. the main popuses of encrption is protecting your design and secertary data, when you have to put your design in public or share it to others. after encrypted, files will look like a black box but with full functions. others will still simulate it as normal files except they don't know the details of encrpyted file.

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