How to use PSpice to change the properties and characteristics of ICs?

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Re: What is PSpice

walters said:
Is there a MODELS list? and how to get to it please?

There are standard MODELs that comes with PSPICE software in the PSPICE library, you can add MODELS to user library after you download it off the net eg.


You can read about MODELS in HELP files

eg. Overview of the Model Editor

You can use the Model Editor to determine the model parameters for many standard device types, such as bipolar transistors, and to create the subcircuit models for more complex device types, such as operational amplifiers. You can create accurate models and parts for off-the-shelf devices by converting information from the device manufacturer's data sheet into PSpice model parameter values, without taking measurements of a real device. Then you can include the new, custom device model as part of your own model library.

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Is there a "Analysis list" to change the Analysis characterists and properties and nodes?

The nodes are in the NETLIST with the properties of the components ie the value, name of the model and designator.
They are(NODES) created when you construct the schematic in PSPICE, the properties of the components you can edit in the schematic also.

Re: What is PSpice

you can also download the full version if you know how... ;-)

Re: What is PSpice

Pspice is model level analog simulation for entire circuit ....but u need pspice model for every devices ....but more powerful simulation is Hspice

Re: What is PSpice

pspice models can be easily downloaded from the internet.... u can get different models depending on the application. eg. temperature dependent, size dependent etc..... . u can also modify the model parameters according to u'r requirements but u have to follow some conditions to do so.........

Re: What is PSpice

septapus said:
can you uses pspice with multisim
MultiSim has it's own SPICE. But you might be able to import the MultiSim files into Capture and run PSpice from there.

What is PSpice

think what you are asking for is all here h**p://

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