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How to use Matlab for DSP development?

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Full Member level 4
Full Member level 4
Oct 8, 2001
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Can someone explain how Matlab can be used for DSP development?
Is it possible to make a filter in Matlab and magically implement that in hardware?

- Jayson

You need Xilinx ISE and Xilinx Systemgenerator software to design digital filter in MATLAB and then target to Xilinx FPGA. Choose Virtex FPGA preferably.

Similarly to target for Altera FPGAs you need Altera QuartusII software and Altera DSP BUILDER software. Altera's Stratix GX FPGAs have on chip Multipliers which help to realize very easily.

I have ISE but not System Generator, is a digital filter implementable on a 30K gate FPGA? What is the minimum number of gates to generate a decent filter for low frequencies such as a band pass filter less than 100Hz.

- Jayson

I think what you mean is for full development with specific DSP Hardware.

You may need more than MATLAB to do this work.

I mean you may need more toolboxes for filter design and that is the target device such as TI DSP BOARD and MOTOROLA DSP BOARD.

You also need Real-Time Workshop, DSP and some toolboxes.

Then, the Filter design code or block diagram on MATLAB or SIMULINK that for the target device can be compiled to C Code, ASM Code and Object Code and loaded to the target board.

If it doesn't help, you should go to look at MATHWORKS and read there datasheet.

Hi Jayson,

You can split the design process into several stages:
1. Design a filter in Matlab
2. Still in Matlab, you can simulate all implementation effects, such as using fixed point coefficients, having specific number of bits in your adders and multipliers
3. Do actual implementation in HW (using your favorite synthesizer), or in SW (for this, almost any DSP has application-notes on how to implement a FIR)

Are there any examples out there that show how to do DSP with Matlab then synthesize this to an FPGA, attached an ADC and DAC to the FPGA and see it work? I just want to see the whole process, a reference design wouldn't hurt.

- Jayson

how can i begin to design filters in matlab ??

Use 'sptool' and 'fdatool' from signal processing toolbox to start with filter design basic in Matlab

You may want to consider xstreamDSP board. This eval board comes with what you want. It has DAC/ADC on board. It comes with the sysgen and matlab eval software and has some example on how to make use of them.

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