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how to use hspics or matlab to imulation eye diagram

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Junior Member level 1
Apr 13, 2006
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eye diagram matlab

how to use hspics or matlab to imulation eye diagram

the eye diagram like figure1~4

**broken link removed**

matlab eyediagram

Dear shinnyi :

using these commands:

.param width=period phase=0ns
.probe tran time2=par('TIME+phase-int((TIME+phase)/width)*width')



    Points: 2
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eye diagram sample in matlab

mpig09 said:
Dear shinnyi :

using these commands:

.param width=period phase=0ns
.probe tran time2=par('TIME+phase-int((TIME+phase)/width)*width')


sorry sir
I have already tried Several time
but it still won't work

can you tell me more about that

.param width=800p phase=0ns
.probe tran time2=par('TIME+phase-int((TIME+phase)/width)*width')
I filter PD_IN pulse(50u 550u 80p 10p 10p 400p 800p)
.tran 1n 200n

eye diagram example matlab

search edaboard
I saw your solution.


    Points: 2
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dolphin eye diagram

shinnyi said:
how to use hspics or matlab to imulation eye diagram

the eye diagram like figure1~4



you can find a demo in this subject, generally, in xx/demo/awaves/demo/eyediag.sp
where xx means hspice root directory

the content of it, in my hspice version, is following


* Eye Diagrams
* This type of diagram is to reduce a large amount of data to
* one frame. Data from a fixed period is superimposed upon
* itself.
* An e source is setup to create a sawtooth.
* The sawtooth period is the window to be plotted, eyewidth. i.e. if
* you are looking at a periodic signal and want to know if the
* period or amplitude drifts over a large time, then the
* eyewidth is set to the period of the data to be plotted and
* superimposed.
* In this example, Y is a damped sin wave at 1 Mhz. X is a 5 Mhz
* sin wave. The eyewidth is set to 2 Mhz. (Look at the difference
* between 2Mhz and 1Mhz as an experiment).
* To view output in Meta-Waves, place signal T on the x axis and plot either
* X or Y on the y axis. For the damped sin wave, notice that the
* frequency is constant but that the amplitude obviously decays.
* This is a view of all periods super-imposed on each other.
* Plot X, Y vs Time,
* X, or Y vs T
* Only 4 lines are needed to add eye diagrams to a circuit:
* Here they are:
* .Param EyeWidth = 2.0x $ Bandwidth
* eT T 0 Vol='(TIME*EyeWidth)-int((TIME*EyeWidth))'
* rT T 0 1k
* .Option Post

.Param EyeWidth = 1.0x $ Bandwidth

* a clever alternative here is to set .Param Eyewidth = '1/<clock_period>'

vX X 0 Sin ( 0v 3v 1xHz )
vY Y 0 Sin ( 0v 1v 1xHz 0s 500k )

* Simple time manipulation to create a sawtooth pattern
eT T 0 Vol='(TIME*EyeWidth)-int((TIME*EyeWidth))'

rX X 0 1k
rY Y 0 1k
rT T 0 1k

.Tran 10ns 10us
.Option Post=2



    Points: 2
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eye diagram in matlab

Dear shinnyi :

Sorry, I late to solve your problem.
Please try these following steps :

When you creates a new TIME2 output variable :
*Open the resulting .tr# file
*In the "Results Browser" window, under "Types:" select "Params"
*Under "Curves:" select "time2"
*Under "Current X-Axis," click on "Apply"
*Under "Types:" again, select "Voltages," "Currents" or any other
type of output variable you want to display
*Double click on the desired signals you want to display
*In the viewing window, click on the right mouse button; *select "Monotonic Plot ..."

If you have any problem, give me some message!


matlab eye diagram

maybe you can try smash

smash simulator have some function can get eye pattern

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