please help me to understand bootstrap drivers
I wonder why semiconductor manufacturers invest time and effort to write datasheets and application notes.
They explain everything in detail, give example schematics, show formulae, give PCB layout recommendations... while people just ignore them.
These documents are way more detailed than a forum post can be.
And your question does not ask for a detail .. that needs a human to focus on it.
From my experience (and a lot of my knowledge comes from semiconductor manufacturer documents) .. I read the documents, follow their recommendations and in 99% it works like expected. The remaining 1% is a mixture of my own mistakes and mistakes/unclear description. Usually I don´t need a simulation nor a test circuit.
Toshiba, TI, Rohm, Onsemi, Infineon ... provide documents on the
first page of an internet search about "bootstrap circuit". Even Wikipeda has an article...
And there are videos.
No one was born with all wisdom. And surely I´m not an exception. In my early days as an electronics designer there was no internet. We had to go to the library .. and I had to hope that in my small town there was a single book that included what I was looking for. Now there is the internet, with billions of documents available in seconds. Free to use...