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how to turn and stop a toy car? HELP ME!!..pls

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May 6, 2006
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how to stop a toy car from moving

hi there..i am doing a project that needs to turn a toy car 90 degrees to the right when it reaches a fixed junction. Any suggestion on that? Besides, i need ideas on making it stop at a certain location too..Please help me...any ideas will do...please..

P/s the toy car is battery operated..( can sensor be used? if can, what kind of sensor? )


how to stop a toy car accurately

How about a line-following system? Uses optical sensors to keep the car on a white line drawn on the ground

If you simply need one turn, you could use the same principle of a line on the ground with an optical sensor to detect it. Use white on black or vice-versa, to make detection easy.


how to start and stop a toy car?


Another 'optical sensor' idea would be use optical encoders on the wheels, and a microcontroller to know exactly what position each wheel is in. Whether its an absolute encoder, or an incremental, doesn't really matter. Incremental just measures the speed and direction of each wheel. You could use the sesors/micro to control the speed of each wheel, and make it turn 90 degrees, fairly accurately.

Other than that, you would need a stationary reference (something that isn't on the toy car) like rick suggested. I suppose an extreme solution would be a hall sensor, to use the earths magnetic field as a reference. You can get these sensors sensitive enough to a degree, and with a bit of intelligence, you it to turn your car.
Although, that is only really for a toy that can be placed anywhere. You mentioned 'junction' so I assume this toy is placed on a 'track' or 'road', in which case, a stationary reference wouldn't be difficult to implement.

Is the car a '2 wheel' drive? That is, to turn, could you simply have the two motors going in different directions so it can turn on the spot. Or does it have a steering mechanism similar to real cars? (turns in an arc)? The former would make life easier, since it stops, turns on the spot, then gets going again. The latter requires the car to start turning at a point before the corner.

I'm always full of idea's, most useless, but ya never know.



how to turn a toy car

yes..the car is moving on a given track with exact turning point and stopping point. The car is a '2 wheel' drive.. Thanks FoxyRick and BuriedCode for the noteworthy advices and ideas...cheers..

turning mechanism for a toy car

i designed this using pic16f877a i have the full designed code .pm me for code

turn directions of a toy car

You can design the circuit both with and without microcontroller. I have designed two cars one using bright leds and photodiode and another using ultrasonic transmitter and receiver what is your interest ?
if decided not to use a micro then you need the sensor, comparator and a bridge circuit to turn the motor in both directions. if decided to work with the micro then the comparator part can be done using software you have to decide

toy car microcontroller

of course sensor can be used.. use IR leds and IR recevier as sensors...
use stepper motor as steering.. when it reaches a fixed junction detect using the IR sensor or if its fixed distance use counter and with the speed of car u can calculate the time it tkaes to reach the place and make stepper to turn 90degreee usign microcontroller that better..


micro controller toy car

You can use optical sensors for stoping the car but it is only appicable when u already using sensors to nivigate the cars if u want to stop a car at a certain distance you may do it on time vector
guess the speed and calculate the time it takes to reach over there if it is a fixed location place a timer u can do it without a Microcontroller but if u know how to use it then that is preffereable .

how stop a toy car to stop accurately

You want it to stop to avoid an obstacle?
if it is so you may use ultrasonic or infrared.
you have to decide.
you haven't told anything about the microcontroller yet.
if you did the project just say so if not and need help what are you waiting for

how to make a toy car stop accurately

This topic was posted 1 year ago, i think jjd58 did the project and does not need help anymore :s

toy car stop exact

What kind of motor are you using? Stepper motor? If yes, you can turn 90 degree by simply rotating only 1 wheel and keep the other one stationary.

how to stop a toy car

You can design the circuit both with and without microcontroller. I have designed two cars one using bright leds and photodiode and another using ultrasonic transmitter and receiver what is your interest ?
if decided not to use a micro then you need the sensor, comparator and a bridge circuit to turn the motor in both directions. if decided to work with the micro then the comparator part can be done using software you have to decide

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