How to test variable inductance transducer ? thanks

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Sep 12, 2011
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How to test a variable inductance transducer ?


Here is the principles for measuring and testing variable inductance transducers................

View attachment 63489

In the circuitry that you provided, how to apply the AC supply on the coil ? means are there the two ends of the coil present ........... ?

What should be the output voltage , that is measured by AC voltmeter ? Should it be the same as calculated by the formula that you provided i.e. Vr = Rmeas * Is .......... Am i right ?

what range of AC supply can be provided to test all these three types & of what range of frequency ?

thanks a lot
In the circuitry that you provided, how to apply the AC supply on the coil ? means are there the two ends of the coil present ........... ?
Circuit A: We measure current through coil by voltage across Rmeas.
Circuit B: Act as transformer
Circuit C: Changes in magnet field generate measured voltage
What should be the output voltage , that is measured by AC voltmeter ?
Cant say because...........
Measured values depends on variables in the formula ............

Zcoil = Rcoil + jXcoil = Rcoil + j 2*PI*f*Lcoil

what range of AC supply can be provided to test all these three types & of what range of frequency ?
used frequency depends on the coil parameters.

But use allways additional series resistor so that current can not
increase too high. ( for sensors maybe 10mA is enough )
Frequency in range 50Hz... 10kHz
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