How to test UJT (unijunction transistor) ? thanXxX

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Aug 17, 2011
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How to test UJT (unijunction transistor) ?


Its operating characteristics are not like those of ordinary transistors. The curve has that S-bend in it. (A negative resistance slope.)

The most frequent circuit I've seen using a UJT is in a sawtooth oscillator. Looks like a simple way to test it.

Relaxation Oscillator

This website shows how it can also be used to fire an SCR.

The UJT Transistor

UJT testing with multimeter..........

Testing a UJT - Electronic Circuits and Diagram-Electronics Projects and Design

**broken link removed**

UJT test-circuit for oscilloscope..........

View attachment 64163

thanks a lot

what should be the output voltage from GND to B2 when measured with oscilloscope ?

what should be the output voltage from GND to B1 when measured with oscilloscope ?

what should be the output voltage from GND to E when measured with oscilloscope ?

what about f = 1.39 KHz ? What is it really expalining ?

thanks bundle to you

It looks like you are a making simple thing complicated. The test circuit in post #3 with it's accompanying waveforms is bringing all necessary informations for a practioneer. It's rarely necessary to do much calculations, e.g. to know if the exact oscillation frequency is 1.3 or 1.4 kHz. Otherwise, you should probably refer to better defined devices than UJT.

I agree, that UJT, are perfect for some kinds of low part count circuits, e.g. to drive a triac or SCR through a trigger transformer. I have used them previously for similar purposes and have still some in a component drawer. But they are simple parts. Put them in a basic oscillator circuit and they either work or not.
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