how to check mosfet
Another type of semiconductor you should become familiar with is the metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), as shown in figures 2-19 and 2-20. You must be extremely careful when working with MOSFETs because of their high degree of sensitivity to static voltages. As previously mentioned in this chapter, the soldering iron should be grounded. A metal plate should be placed on the workbench and grounded to the ship’s hull through a 250-kilohm to 1-megohm resistor. You should also wear a bracelet with an attached ground strap and ground yourself to the ship’s hull through a 250-kilohm to 1-megohm resistor. You should not allow a MOSFET to come into contact with your clothing, plastics, or cellophane-type materials. A vacuum plunger (solder sucker) must not be used because of the high electrostatic charges it can generate. Solder removal by wicking is recommended. It is also good practice to wrap MOSFETs in metal foil when they are out of a circuit. To ensure MOSFET safety under test, use a portable volt-ohm-milliammeter (vom) to make MOSFET resistance measurements. A vtvm must never be used in testing MOSFETs. You must be aware that while you are testing a MOSFET, you are grounded to the ship’s hull or station’s ground. Use of a vtvm would cause a definite safety hazard because of the 115-volt, 60-hertz power input. When the resistance measurements are complete and the MOSFET is properly stored, unground both the plate on the workbench and yourself.