Hello everyone
I was wondering if you answer the following question:
Could I test an RF schottky diode (as an example HSMS282x) with a multimeter like other typical diodes to make sure the diode does not burn and it is ok?
If no, could you please tell me how I do it?
thanks a million
with a multimeter yo can´t measure HF features.
But you can test the DC specifications.
Like forward voltage drop:
Use a 10V supply (doesn´t need to be very exact).
Use an 1k resistor in series with the diode.
Measure the voltage across the diode.
It should be somewhere 300mV ... 500mV.
Loo low voltage or too high voltage shows a defective diode.
Like forward voltage drop:
Use a 10V supply (doesn´t need to be very exact).
Use an 1k resistor in series with the diode.
Measure the voltage across the diode.