How to synthesize generated clock in cadence RTL complier

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Junior Member level 3
Mar 14, 2009
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Hi all,

Does anyone have any idea how to synthesize a generated clock?.

What i have is CLK2 and CLK1.

Clk1 is global clock.
Clk2 is generated using CMOS logic. Inputs of this CMOS logic comes from gates that use CLK1 as their clock.

What I am trying to build is a self timed circuit. Level-2 waits for Level-1 to complete. CMOS logic in between behaves like a clock generator for level2.

I will be really appreciate if you can give me some idea how to
synthesize this in Cadence RTL complier or in DC with commands that can be feed to RTL complier.


Re: How to synthesize generated clock in cadence RTL complie

PT is clean for the timing?

Re: How to synthesize generated clock in cadence RTL complie

Sorry for my lack of knowlege. i am not that well versed with Synthesizer. Could you tell me what is that you mean?

Re: How to synthesize generated clock in cadence RTL complie

Hello srpatel9,

Could you elaborate ur design, means how u are generating the clock ?
How u re using it.(any diagram ?)

As much i can understand from ur description, u can create generated clock in ur constraints for synthesis.
Even if you do not define generated clock, i think ur circuit will be synthesised.

But this is not recommended way.

Hope it helps.

Re: How to synthesize generated clock in cadence RTL complie

hi navneetgupta,

Yes indeed I can synthesis the ckt by just defining clock. But that produces unconstrained results for me.

The Sythesizer fails to understand that the signal generated by the CMOS is the clock for the 2nd level.

In this case I cannot optimize my 2nd level.

So i need a mechanism by which the synthesizer understands that the signal generated by the CMOS is clock for the 2nd level.

Re: How to synthesize generated clock in cadence RTL complie

during the clock tree synthesis on what basis encounter will choose inverter or buffer?

Now there are two questions:

1) How tool understands the clk2 is a clock signal ?
For this, u have to define generated clock constraint(and feed this constraint to synthesis tool) at the place where clk2 is generated. Then for rest of the hardware clk2 will be treated as clock signal by tool.
:IN SDC format command is: "create_generated_clock". In you tool help(Design Compiler) u will can all information about this command.

2) Regarding encounter: Encounter or any backend tools needs constraints file with netlist. This constraint file typically is sdc file. In this file u will be having the generated clock defination. In generated clock defination u can also define edge relationship of generated clock with source clock.

I hope this answers ur questions :!:

Added after 13 minutes:

In RTLCompiler use the command "read_sdc" for reading your SDC constraints.

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