The ENC28J60 is a 3.3V part; however, it was
designed to be easily integrated into 5V systems. The
SPI CS, SCK and SI inputs, as well as the RESET pin,
are all 5V tolerant. On the other hand, if the host
controller is operated at 5V, it quite likely will not be
within specifications when its SPI and interrupt inputs
are driven by the 3.3V CMOS outputs on the
ENC28J60. A unidirectional level translator would be
An economical 74HCT08 (quad AND gate), 74ACT125
(quad 3-state buffer) or many other 5V CMOS chips
with TTL level input buffers may be used to provide the
necessary level shifting. The use of 3-state buffers
permits easy integration into systems which share the
SPI bus with other devices. Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6
show example translation schemes.