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How to start visual programming

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Member level 3
Oct 16, 2001
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visual c++ express paintbrush

Hi all
I'm interested in learning visual programming , I know pascal programming . I want to choose one of delphi or visual basic to learn. would you tell me which one is better for me in learning and usage. I'm an telecommunication engineer and I want to learn it and do something in my free times.
by the way , do you know any good free e-book and multimedia source in the internet?

Thanks in advance
R110 :oops:


you can use DELPHI it is baesd object pascal i think it is very better of vb and vc++ :wink:

Visual Studio Net

what topic is better in .net in compare delphi or c++builder dont forget delphi suport .net

and .net create by Micro$oft with project manager of delphi !

any good source

Hi maziar
Thanks for your kind reply
Would you please compare the abilities of deplhi with VB and introduce me a good and easy to understand book or learning cd for it.
we have a lot of learning book for each , but I want to start with the best.

thanks in advance

delphi is based in 100% OOP and Full high optimize Complier
object pascal language with 100% function source
compare with vb interpreter language and no 100% OOP

then code compiled with delphi very faster of VB for example we write FFT code for 32bit width foat number in vb and vc and delphi result in same pc :

delphi : 1:10 min 93% of vc
vb : 5:0 min 24% of vc
vc : 0:55 min 100% of vc (base)

in up you can see object pascal have same power of compile of vc and dont forget delphi the same as vb very easy !.

delphi compiler also can compile for linux

then micro$ft($$$) generate c# for resolve this problem if you see C# and compare it with delphi you can speak "C# is bad copy of delphi " and dont forget it generate Micro$oft with project manager of delphi !

other hand delphi is very better and faster visual tools in compare vc

delphi compile full native code then you can move exe file without any dll and ocx. many user have problem in install program write vb and vc because it use many ocx and dll

borland have private good topic in visual programing with name visual component library VCL. it is tools for edit properties and work delphi core in design time and compile built in exe in runtime (compare ocx of vb) delphi also suprort ocx !

other hand delphi have over 100 component in enterprise ver compare with vb !

i can write program vb and vc but i sure vb + vc can not ability of powerfull tools DELPHI

you can also see for thousand delphi vcl for profession vcl of electronic to space many of it open source and free !

sorry for my bad english write becuase i am iranian :oops:

Dear maziar
Thanks for your reply , It was great .
now I can decide what I'm gonna do in the future. I'm iranian and It's my pleasure that I have found a new friend from Iran .
let me ask a new question , as you know we have delphi in several versions, one of my friends told me " start with delphi 3 " , do you agree with him , or you suggest to start with version 6?
and another question is , do you know any good book in persian for the matter of learning delphi as a beginner?

Bye and best

you can use to book

delphi5 in 21 days for starting user
and delphi6 dvelopers gudie for profissonal user

best recommendation

Dear R110;
in respect to your abilities I think it's better for you to learn xxxxxxxxxx.
this software is very useful for so professional man like you.
it is an application software specially for cabling, PCM, MDF and P1.
sincerely yours;


I use VB6.0 for fast application development. I have not used Delphi, But
I think that VB6 is very good if the program runs on a good PC. Also, you
can find lots of tool on th wed to make it do anything you need without
a lot of effort.

Also, take good look at VB.NET. It looks like the way to go if you want to stay with M$ OS.

I recomment you start with delphi if you want to develop advanced softwares in future.

at last,most of vb programmers leave VB and join to delphi programmers!

VB makes easy tasks easier,Delphi makes hard tasks easier!


i am use Builder 4.0 and obtain good result. I use then Microsoft Visual C but i no satisfied.

Dear R110;
in respect to your abilities I think it's better for you to learn paintbrush.
this software is very useful for so professional man like you.
it is an application software specially for cabling, PCM, MDF and P1.
sincerely yours;


I would like to know reasons of your attitude.
I don't like your subtles allusions. I don't like this kind of attitude.
Other then violating a forum rule - maybe not so important for you -, you are offending not R110 only and whole community, but above all yourself.


BTW- I tested Delphi 6 and since I program in VC++ I was very dissatisfied by it's abilities.
VC++ have much better lower level access to OS as well as hardware components. 90% of all "serious" apps are developed in C/C++(VC++).

I don't like C# but Visual Studio Net comes with powerful C++ (or to be precise a VC++ 7)

C has one more advantage and that is that if you want to do some embedded stuff you will have basics of syntax and procedures so it will be less painful to involve yourself in embeded programming.

lightsider said:
BTW- I tested Delphi 6 and since I program in VC++ I was very dissatisfied by it's abilities ....

can give me what topic in Delphi langauge (object pascal) or class (vcl) or run time ability (RTL) in delphi is dissatisfied ?

i have 3 year programming in vb and vc and after migrate now 4 year delphi

I know good with C++ and MFC (then vc++ !) it really 99% non visual !
programming it visual c++ the same programming big project after no good sleep three day !

yes in big programming group (over 15 high profissonal c++ programmer)
vc not bad tool but for personal programming and small gruop vc++ is nightmate

1. delphi have powerfull langauge the same as c++ (with all abilty only most diffrent is in for loop)

2. delphi have very powerfull library (140,000) function and over (7000) open source class [have vc ?]

3.very powerfull visual tools IDE (i think most pwerfull)

4.have over 140 visual component in defualt (have vc ?)

5. have full commented programmble IDE (run time type informatin)

6. can generate native exe or dll based exe file

7. can run in windows (delphi) or linux (kylex) [Can vc ?]

8. and over 100,000 free open source component in net (for ex in

if you need do image processing ,wave analusys ,multitire database , charting , controling scada system , doing word analyse or ever topic in delphi only you need seach in google "delphi youjob" try test it

i wait for point to point identical compare ...

more detail compare delphi and vc:
**broken link removed**

and Code Efficiency Challenge
**broken link removed**

OK- I don't have much time for this kind of discussions so here it goes:

1. Windows are mostly written in C/C++ (with parts of it written in assembler)
2. Linux kernel is written mostly in C (with parts of it written in assembler)
3. I agree 100% that VC++ is not so visual and automated as VB or Delphi (I am not comparing those two!) but that fact also gives you more control of your code and low level functions.
4. C gives you ability to go as low level as possible without using assembler.
5. MSDN (regardless of how much I dislike M$) provides much better knowledge base support. Also there is a vast amount of info and literature regarding C/C++. Same thing cannot be said about Delphi.
6. Borland also provides a good solutions so you can choose between M$ and Borland. I personally prefer Visual Studio but that's my personal taste.
7. Most of the software written for portables (Windows CE) is written in C/C++ and I am not even sure that you can compile for CE in Delphi.

The truth is that with the introduction of Kylix it is much easier to port to Linux but no offense to Linux ppl- most of the professional work is still done on other OSes ( I am not talking about servers!) so I don't even want to port to Linux.

MFC are rather useful tool if you want to integrate your app with the OS more extensively and it is most useful for GUI manipulation but most of the work will still be done with generic classes so you can have much better control of your code.

There is also a point that you missed regarding embeded designs. You can use assemblers for work with MCUs but you can also use a structured language like C also (and even C++) but I never heard of Pascal compiler for MCUs (correct me if I'm wrong).

My point is- as much as Delphi has some advantages it is NOT de facto standard as is C/C++ so learning Delphi could prove itself counter-productive in the future and vaste of time when you have to switch to C/C++.

The speed comparisons are mostly related to Pascal being a core of Delphi and some mathematiccal routines are more faster in Pascal than in C but in visual part I doubt that Delphi it is being a same level solution as M$ Visual Studio or Borland Builder.

BTW- I re-read r110's post and just now realized he already knows Pascal so it would realy be more easier to switch to Delphi than to VC++.

C# is mostly .net oriented language and you should not compare it with which is basicaly VC++ 7 with .net support added.

hi lightsider:

1. i sure you can write low level code with pascal . i am also c++ programmer then i not found any topic in c++ better of delphi

2. if you rugged c++ programmer then i think c++builder better choice of vc++ have both mfc and vcl power !

3. msdn is globlal help and win32 api help i direct use it in delphi !

4. for see compare of Efficiency see last link is contain sample code in delphi and vc++ you wonder if know delphi in math very faster of vc++. delphi 7 now is faster !

5. the next version of delphi (with version name aeuro) can run in mobile application !

Ehhh- as I already said I don't have too much time to discuss this but...

1. The point of de facto standard still stands
2. The point of embeded designs programing still stands

I like VS over Builder mostly because I am used to it and I don't want to spend precious time re-learning some stuff. So I would call it a matter of habbit.

R110 said:
Hi all
I'm interested in learning visual programming , I know pascal programming . I want to choose one of delphi or visual basic to learn. would you tell me which one is better for me in learning and usage. I'm an telecommunication engineer and I want to learn it and do something in my free times.
by the way , do you know any good free e-book and multimedia source in the internet?

Thanks in advance
R110 :oops:

Dear r110 , i definetly offer u Visual Basic also if u interested in at aoutomation systems

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