Hi there,
TO start with java
I would recommend you the following
You would need the following
1.Java Runtime Envorinment
2.Java Development Pack for j2se for starters
3.A nicely laid out java editor to make java programs.
4.If you plan to distribute your software as well then Install Anywhere is really good software.
I would really like to say its a very good idea of having java also as a background.
Now you can get option 1 and option 2 from the following site
java.sun.com ( Its the original sun site )
They even have a starters tutorial over there which is realyyyyyy damn good for a beginner.
I fyou need some more info on java then let me know I have some ebooks that I think I can help you with.
Where as for editors there are lots of them . but since been used to java programming I would recommend you go for either JCreator (
www.jcreator.com) or JBuilder (
www.borland.com ) over here in JBuilder look under downloads and then you should find it over there..
Personall JBuilder is quite good for it reduces the amount of GRaphical User Interface Coding for you as it just provides you with a drag and drop feature just like as in Visual Basic and generates the code itself.
Also if you planning to go for embedded software programming in java I think you would also have to get Java Comm API from java.sun.com
I had to do it for one of my projects.. in the casino.
Well let me know if you need more info.
or if you get stuck somewhere along the line
I would be glad to help.
Also I would really appreciate if you could provide me help and link for learning embedded programming in Visual Basic and C for beginners.
I have a basic background in these languages and want to shift over to embedded side.
With regards