How to simulate FFT in HSPICE?

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Feb 17, 2004
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hspice fft

I designed a few low pass filters (different order) and I have input a 1Gbps square wave into it

I want to run .FFT from 100us to 200us to probe v(out) and check what are the frequency compenent that passed through the filter

can anyone help me on that?

fft in hspice

what's your problem then??just run it.
you've got the statement for it
chosse your window and set the time.

fft hspice

I need some example on how to use it coz I have trouble of plotting the power vs freq graph from 1 to 10GHz.

If you know how, can you post a simple example?

.fft hspice

A example

.fft v(1,2) np = 1024 start = 0.3m stop = 0.5m freq = 5.0k
+ window = kaiser alfa = 2.5

hspice .fft

Ok I tried, and I am not getting what I espected

Here is my netlist, I designed a 20kHz 1st order LPF and I inject a 2GHz square wave into it. If I do FFT at the input waveform I should espect to see a fundalmental component at 2GHz and 1st odd harmonic at 6GHz.

But instead I got this (please refer to the attached GIF)

Here is my netlist

* LPF FFT Testing ********************************
.option post

rlpf in out 20k
clpf out gnd 397.89pF

vin in gnd ac=1 dc=1.2 pulse(0.9 1.5 0 100p 100p .9n 2n)

.fft v(out,gnd) np=1024 start = 70u stop = 80u freq = 2G window = kaiser alfa = 2.5
.fft v(in,gnd) np=1024 start = 70u stop = 80u freq = 2G window = kaiser alfa = 2.5

.ic out 1.199
.tran 50p 100u

.ac dec 100 1 10G
.graph par('vdb(out)-vdb(in)')


hspice fft

You can try to input an ideal sin wave, if the FFT is right, you can get the result in *.ft0.



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