Yanyan Zhang
Newbie level 4

slotline calculator
I want to use HFSS to simulate a slot line structure with the FR4 material as a transmission line to get the characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant. The first question is about the port, should I use the wave port or the lumped port? Well, lumped port is better for the microstrip line structure, for the field is constrained around the strip; yet for the slot line, the field extends beyond the gap especially for a low dielectric constant material. The second question is how to simulate the free space enviroment. Is PML boundary better than the radiation boundary, considering to remove the wave reflection? Thanks for your advice!
I want to use HFSS to simulate a slot line structure with the FR4 material as a transmission line to get the characteristic impedance and effective dielectric constant. The first question is about the port, should I use the wave port or the lumped port? Well, lumped port is better for the microstrip line structure, for the field is constrained around the strip; yet for the slot line, the field extends beyond the gap especially for a low dielectric constant material. The second question is how to simulate the free space enviroment. Is PML boundary better than the radiation boundary, considering to remove the wave reflection? Thanks for your advice!